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Nuclear Energy

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Nuclear Energy
Due to the current concerns about global warming and the consequent climatic changes, there have been calls from all corners of the world for the people to go green. One of the major concerns of the green movements is the fuel used by many around the globe. Since most fuels lead to the emission of the green house gases, it is assumed that nuclear energy could go a long way in solving this issue. However, there is controversy over the use of nuclear power as discussed in the essay below.
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is steadily gaining popularity due to the fact that it is more efficient and less harmful to the environment. However, there are some arguments that refute this statement claiming that the negative effects of nuclear energy are quite pronounced. In looking at this issue, this essay takes the position that nuclear energy should be supported worldwide. To assert this position, the essay will look at the cost effectiveness as well as the environmental friendliness of nuclear energy.
There are critics who argue that nuclear energy has strongly negative effects on the environment. For instance, the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) (2012) indicates that Australia has vast wealth of Uranium. However, the Uranium is of low quality, such that mining it poses a threat to the water, soil and the general environment. Mining this mineral can also lead to accumulation of radioactive materials, which can further pollute the environment and disrupt the ecosystem. Quain (2011) also argues strongly against the use of nuclear energy. The argument in this case is that there are high risks involved with nuclear reactors. Any accidental leak can lead to disastrous effects. For instance, nobody would like to have another kind of the Chernobyl accident that killed many and left a great stretch of land unproductive. There is also the Fukushima nuclear accident that affected Japan. Due to such accidents, people have to be evacuated since the affected area is not safe for habitation. The critics argue that to avoid such accidents, the best option is to shun nuclear power. At other times, there might not be a nuclear accident. However, radiation from the nuclear material can cause serious repercussions to the people working with the materials. The radiations can be mutagenic as well as carcinogenic, hence posing a threat to life (Quain, 2011).
Despite the argument above, nuclear energy is considered an environmentally friendly source of energy. Ollhoff (2010) posits that nuclear energy is safe in that it reduces the emission rate of green house gases. During nuclear energy generation, there is no production of carbon dioxide, sulphur or nitrous oxides which are responsible for global warming as well as the occurrence of acid rain. As such, nuclear energy, if well controlled, is the most environmental friendly source of energy. Even during usage, there are no residue gases that are released into the atmosphere. Wit...
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