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Define Marketing

Essay Instructions:
- Write a paper in which you define marketing. Include in your paper: o your personal definition of marketing and o definitions from two different sources. Based on these definitions: o explain the importance of marketing in organizational success and o describe how three specific organizations utilize marketing to achieve organizational success
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By and large, marketing constitutes an integral part of the business process. In a business organization, marketing helps establish and maintain a link between a firm and its customers and hence, the need to have elaborate marketing structures (Reid & Bojanic, 2009). Nevertheless, the definition and understanding of marketing as a concept among different people vary widely. This paper seeks to give a personal definition and scholarly meanings of marketing besides explaining its importance and describing how organizations utilize it to achieve success.
From a personal point of view, marketing can be said to be the process through which business organizations create awareness about its products or services among its target consumers. In this respect, marketing constitutes such activities as selling campaigns, product promotion and advertising that are undertaken by a business for the purposes of communicating the benefits and unique features of its services or products. Thus, marketing is a process through which a business sells and communicates about its services or products to the customers.
Admittedly, different scholarly sources define marketing differently. According to Reid & Bojanic (2009), marketing constitutes a managerial function and a collection of processes that help create, communicate and deliver value to consumers besides assisting in managing client relationships in a manner that is beneficial to both the firm and its shareholders. On the other hand, Silk (2006) defines marketing as the functions that a firm ought to engage in to generate and swap value with its customers. In this case therefore, marketing helps provide the strategic direction to a firm and hence, a critical part of management responsibility.
From the foregoing definitions, the significance of marketing in the success of an organization is apparent. To begin with, the process of marketing helps an organization attain the strategic direction necessary for its success. This is achieved through the identification o...
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