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Journal writings

Essay Instructions:
some assignments just need paragraphs and some more like in essay form
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Journal writings Name: Institution: Date: Entry 2 and 3 Computers have had a tremendous impact on people’s life affecting the way people interact at homes and in the work place. In a more competitive work place, students typically use the computer to enhance their skills that would place them in a better position after school. In my experience, the teacher is important in early education, and helps one to acquire vital skills through instructions and supervision. Thus, the computer is complementary to the teacher’s work but it can influence student success. Learning can be interactive through use of the computer through linkage to other learners, and computers facilitate interaction with instructors. There are various software programs, which facilitate learning by facilitating language skills acquisition as well as facilitate comprehension. My knowledge of various subjects has greatly improved after using computers, because computers provide an extra dimension to the instructor’s note. In the earlier stages of learning games and software led to academic improvement, and at university level the internet is a vital tool for research because the web has database with journal articles. The role of students in learning has gained more prominence, as there has been a shift towards recognizing the effects of computer technology in facilitating learning. Unlike, earlier times, today’s students can demonstrate their critical thinking skills through use of the computer and they can create projects easily through computer programs. In essence, use of computers encourages acquisition of critical and analytical skills, as information provided can be overwhelming and needs more analysis. Ultimately, acquisition of better analytical skills helps students to move away from rote memorization techniques and encourages research. Entry 4 The essay on e-mail versus letters urges readers to consider sending letters, than simply relying on electronic mail. The writer states that letters are more personal and memorable than emails that are a quick way of communication, but do not leave one with anticipation unlike letters. The writer focuses on the differences with e-mails, which do not evoke a personal touch like letters. However, the sentences are short and do not fully explain all the writer’s thoughts. Even though, the writer acknowledges that e-mail is instant it does not have much effect on the readers. Thus, the writer emphasizes on the positive aspects of letters, whereby one is likely to have cherished memories of letters, as this deals with sensory emotions and the five senses. The writer uses the example of crayoned pictures that invokes feelings of joy unlike scanned pictures. Letters are more expressive in their language, than emails, which are short and more formal. To give evidence, on his thoughts, the writer points out that e-mails appear in the virtual world, unlike letters, which are hand held and tangible. However, the sentences are short and the first and second paragraph expound on the importance of letters because of their tangibility. The writer correctly pointed that writing letters shows that one is caring, as much effort is placed in writing letters. The handwriting or writing style does not make letters less appealing. The writer organized the paragraphs, by first emphasizing on the positive aspects of letter writing and then highlighting on the challenges of using e-mails in communicating. Nonetheless, the suggestion that postal services are more efficient than using computers is only half the story. In essence, using email is a quick cost effective way of communicating that is only a challenge because of technological failure or inefficient internet service. Entry 5 In Black Men and Public Space, Staples narrates on the effect of people’s perceptions and reactions especially white women upon seeing a black man at night. Equally, people’s reactions to an individual in public space come from their assumptions and preconceived notions. In one instance, I visited a stylish restaurant and wore casual clothes, unlike most customers who seemed to be professionals or in business. Surprisingly, the waiters seemed slow in servicing me even after other customers came later than I come, but were served first. People continually judge others based on their clothing, and place them in social classes. Another experience that shows that being in a public space is characterized with perceptions or wrong assumptions like when I visited a park with my seven-year-old nephew. After I provided my name and details in one of the entrances, I did not have much thought on this. It was an afternoon, and the attendant was suspicious of my intentions and subsequently informed the management. It was awkward as I noticed another attendant was following our activities and asked questions on my relations to my nephew. In the public space, the writer needs to write appropriately to capture the reader’s mind. Grammatical errors, and incomplete thoughts influence how a reader reacts while reading, and the reader is likely to have a low opinion about the writer and the piece of work. Furthermore, such writing interrupts reading and flow of thoughts as the reader focuses on the mistakes paying less attention to the sentences. The reader feels distant from the thoughts and writings of the writer because of written mistakes, because the reader cannot easily identify with the writing. Entry 6 Most parents want their children to do well in high school so that they can proceed to University. In my case, my parents and their friends believed that to succeed that one had to go to top universities to have a better chance of succeeding in the work place. Similarly, teachers in high school had the tendency to focus on the brightest students based on the view that passing exams was synonymous with a better future and achievement. I had to go through extra tuition in mathematics in my junior high after my grades started to drop. My parents were willing to go the extra mile and spend more resources to ensure that I had an impressive grade during high school. My parents would sit me down and assess my weekly progress on various subjects, and any perceived lack of seriousness was met with talk on how college life is important. The notion that achievement in school was a mark of success prevailed throughout the school system. School policies also targeted to reward the best achievers only, with little emphasis on career talks. Nonetheless, this at times led to anxiety before examination results were released, and although it encouraged competitiveness, I sometimes felt that if I could succeed in school without putting much effort then that would be the best option. Even though, I believe in meritocracy and competitiveness, unwarranted attention to succeed in high school enables a system that fosters an uncaring attitude among students. Teachers and parents may even assist students to succeed with little regard for ethical practices. I believe that learning should be interactive and enjoyable, but placing too much attention on winning increases stress among students, as they know they will be judged by their education achievement. I for one did not want to be branded as failures, and this is a cultural phenomenon that affects the school system and the people’s notions on competitiveness. Entry 7 In life, one faces various tests, and one of my most memorable tests was an interview I attended in applying for a temporary sales job. The job seemed like all others but the organization wanted to recruit people on a contractual basis if successful. The job was interview scheduled to begin at 9:00 am, but the process actually began...
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