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Current Event Article Discussion

Essay Instructions:
Current Event Article Discussion 1: Texas Education No unread replies.No replies. Instructions it is a discussion not an essay Both parts are to be submitted to this discussion board. Reply directly to the original post of your classmate, when completing part 2. . You must complete part 1, and post your article with the summary analysis, before you will be able to review and respond to the post's of your peers. No late or makeup posts will be accepted. Part 1-Current Event Article and Summary Analysis Write up Find a Current Event Article students will find a current news article (online or in print) about Education in Texas: some examples to look for: Education funding, school choice, standardized testing, banned books, sex education courses, and curriculum development are ongoing topics of debate in Texas. Make sure that your article has taken place within the federal or Texas state level of American governments or politics, in the last 3 months, News articles must be connected the topic(s) assigned to the week that they are due. Summary and critical analysis Write Up Students will post a minimum of one page summary and critical analysis. Summary and critical analysis need to formulate an opinion that focuses on connecting the topic of government into our daily lives... into everything we do... Write a summary (20-30 sentences) that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your personal opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a professional, scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article. In addition, to receive full credit, students MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment. Part 2 Rebuttal and Debate students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate's current event analysis, which opposes their own OR agrees. MOST IMPORTANTLY, BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective. Rebuttals must be at least 10 sentences in length. Remember: This is not a critique of whether the article is good or bad. This assignment is a reasoned opinion of the issue presented and to get you to explore your attitudes/thoughts/beliefs on various topics in the current world. Your opinions are not cast in stone, nor need they be, but you should make an actual commitment on the issue, and keep this commitment throughout the rebuttal. ** remember to use real and authentic article sources for your summaries - ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNN, BBC, OAN and more... Wiki and like sources are not and never will be acceptable
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Education Funding Crisis on Texas District Schools Have you been worried about the overall impact of the recent state of district schools in Texas? Now they are being forced to make cuts as the state has failed to pass the budget for funding increases to these schools. I've been thinking about how hard it is for the schools to operate and how it might affect students, the staff, stakeholders, and the community at large. I think education is the key to a successful future for the community, and it's disheartening to hear that an agreement with lawmakers on increasing the funding has not been arrived at. Tracy Johnson, the Keller ISD superintendent says they have a deficit of 27 million dollars which is such a huge sum of money! According to Eagle Mountain –Saginaw ISD, they are facing a tough decision on the number of staff positions to terminate...
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