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Chapter Four Essay: Banksy vs Mr. Brainwash: What’s the Alternative?

Essay Instructions:
Midway through the documentary Exit through the Gift Shop, the focus of the film shifts to a pair of gallery shows, one for Banksy and the other for the alias of Thierry Guetta, Mr. Brainwash. The film depicts each event differently. Banksy’s “The Elephant in the Room” is depicted as a virtually conventional compared to the hectic, hastily assembled “Life Is Beautiful” collection. The film creates an opportunity to compare each event and discuss their differences. Both are showcases for street art but the artists’ approaches differ and it affects the meaning of their art. For this essay, you must analyze what the two shows represent and how they reflect the concept of alternative media or if they don’t meet that criteria. Is Banksy’s work more meaningful? How? How and why does the movie perceive Mr. Brainwash’s art as inferior and less meaningful? And finally, discuss the artists’ work as alternative media. Is Bansky, a celebrated and profitable artist, a producer of alterative media? Is Mr. Brainwash? Consider the status of street art as alternative media, although it is the subject of two high- profile art exhibits. Please use the standard compositional structure: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion. Include a clear and credible thesis in your introduction. Use the academic essay format: 12-pint Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins. Header should be name, section ID, title. Minimum word count is 500.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date “Exit Through the Gift Shop” is a film that opens up the world of street art with an emphasis on the differing gallery shows by the two famous characters, Banksy and Mr. Brainwash. The film depicts Banksy’s “The Elephant in the Room” collection as something quite common compared to the chaos of Mr. Brainwash’s “Life Is Beautiful” Exhibition. The presentation of Banksy’s exhibition together with Mr. Brainwash’s strongly shows the different artistic vision of the artists (Banksy, 2010). Banksy’s art is condemned as socialist or political commentary, whereas Mr. Brainwash’s art has commercial motives. Mainly, the attraction created by Banksy is that he firmly sticks to the concealment of himself which adds in his works an aura of secrecy and interest. The fact that he stays out of the spotlight and keeps it all about his artwork is what makes Banksy so interesting. His fans are not distracted by the trappings of celebrity and can take in his message in full, without the bias or prejudice they would feel toward him as an artist. By this means, Banksy’s anonymity is inbuilt with his artistic activity that tends to leave an impression of universality and accessibility to everyone a step beyond the barriers of class, race, and nationality. Rather than being just for the sake of art, Banksy...
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