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Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:
~~~~ Let us know the number of pages you will need to complete the assignment. ~~~~~ Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography ASSIGNMENT: Using your research question, working thesis, and outline from Touchstone 1.2, create an annotated bibliography that provides a synopsis of your sources and an explanation of how you will use them. As this assignment builds on Touchstone 1.2: Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline, that Touchstone, as well as Touchstone 2.1, must be graded before you can submit your annotated bibliography. Sample Touchstone 2.2 In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI. A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. Refer to the Sample Touchstone for additional guidance on structure, formatting, and citation. 1. Annotated Bibliography Make sure to: ❒ Alphabetize the entries, according to APA Style. ❒ Include the required bibliographic information in APA format for each entry. ❒ Include 5-6 sentences for each entry that provide a short summary of the source (with page or paragraph-numbered citations) and how you plan to use it to support your argument. ❒ Include at least seven entries in your annotated bibliography, all of which must be credible (i.e., authentic, reputable, authoritative), reliable (e.g., contains current and valid data collection and analysis), and relevant academic sources.(Use Google Scholar if you do not have access to an academic search database through your institution). ❒ Choose your own sources, but use no more than three websites (there is no limit on the number of online scholarly journals used). ❒ Thoroughly check the formatting requirements for the different source types. ❒ After each relevant entry indicate the source type in parentheses (book, peer-reviewed journal, newspaper/magazine, and credible website) by including the source type in parentheses after the relevant entry. 2. Reflection ❒ Have you displayed a clear understanding of the research activities? ❒ Have you answered all reflection questions including specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight in all responses? ❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment? B. Reflection Questions DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions. Accurately recording bibliographic information is essential and saves you time, as you can transfer this information to the References page of your drafted essay. Each source entry should include a brief summary of the source as well as 3-4 sentences describing how you intend to use that source to build or support your argument. Discuss how your annotated bibliography meets these criteria. (2-3 sentences) Which strategies were most helpful for you when searching for credible sources? (2-3 sentences) What difficulties did you face while searching for credible sources? How did you overcome these difficulties? (2-3 sentences) D. Requirements The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded: Double-space the bibliography entries and use one-inch margins. Use a readable 12-point font. All writing must be appropriate for an academic context. Composition must be original and written for this assignment. Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited. Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition. Submission must include your reflection questions. Include all of the assignment components in a single file. Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx. Your research question, thesis, and outline must be graded before your annotated bibliography will be accepted. E. Additional Resources The following resources will be helpful to you as you work on this assignment: Purdue Online Writing Lab's APA Formatting and Style Guide This site includes a comprehensive overview of APA style, as well as individual pages with guidelines for specific citation types. Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style This page on the official APA website addresses common questions related to APA formatting. The "References," "Punctuation," and "Grammar and Writing Style" sections will be the most useful to your work in this course. APA Style: Quick Answers—References This page on the official APA Style website provides numerous examples of reference list formatting for various source types.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Touchstone 2.2: Annotated Bibliography Student Name University Course Professor Name Date Touchstone 2.2: Annotated Bibliography Research Title: Use of technology in management practices Research Question: Should companies implement technology in management practices? Thesis statement: Companies should implement technology in management practices because it facilitates data-driven decision making, enhances efficiency, fosters innovation and facilitates performance monitoring. The research question “Should companies implement technology in management practices?” looks into the potential benefits and drawbacks of using technology to improve basic management activities. An annotated bibliography drawn from scholarly sources across multiple disciplines will support the thesis that “companies should implement technology in management practices because it facilitates data-driven decision-making, enhances efficiency, fosters innovation, and facilitates performance monitoring.” The annotated bibliography contains peer-reviewed journal articles that investigate how technologies such as artificial intelligence, analytics, digital platforms, and enterprise systems can drive data-driven decision-making, process optimization, innovation, performance monitoring, and strategic digital transformation within organizations. It also includes credible practitioners’ insights on building and implementing digital strategies for competitive advantage. The annotated sources below provide a solid framework for developing arguments around the research question. Annotated Bibliography Benbya, H., Davenport, T. H., & Pachidi, S. (2020). Artificial intelligence in organizations: current state and future opportunities. MIS Quarterly Executive, 19(4), pp 1-15. https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=107064121121024005081085015008097002098014089077064041076068087098123004091115126094058057003006039016043112010114117085097098106078031069085001084096106064118126113073040045013124086091098074004017107077089100106093022006025122107024096103107112111074&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE This peer-reviewed journal article focuses on how artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are now used in businesses. It covers current applications and evaluates potential future developments in AI technology (Benbya et al., 2020, p. 8). The article’s goal was stated by providing predictive analytics and gleaning priceless insights from massive amounts of data. Artificial intelligence assists in making decision-making processes more data-driven. Particularly noteworthy, the article highlights AI’s capacity to identify complex patterns in data, provide precise predictions, and provide sane advice that directs decision-making processes within enterprises in the right direction. With this article, I demonstrate the receipt-side clarity of the position on whether technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), can speed up data-driven decision-making in contemporary management practices. Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., & Ertz, M. (2020). Agile supply chain management: Where did it come from and where will it go in the era of digital transformation? Industrial Marketing Management, 90. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0019850119311095 In this journal paper, the researcher investigates the history of Agile SCM and the trend toward more linked digital infrastructure. The paper discusses how firms are using technology to improve visibility and responsiveness in the supply chain, as well as increase efficiency (Centobelli et al., 2020, para 2). Meanwhile, real-time tracking on digital instruments, predictive analytics, and robotized procedures are employed to improve warehouse operations, save costs, and respond to changing market conditions. This source will be used as a case study to demonstrate the essential role of technology in enabling automation processes and, as a result, producing more efficient workplaces. Furthermore, I will use the specific examples and data supplied to demonstrate how technologies such as analytics and automation improve supply chain agility and efficiency within the broader context of technology-enabled management practices. Henriette, E., Feki, M., & Boughzala, I. (2015). The shape of digital transformation: a systematic literature review. MCIS 2015 Proceedings, 1-13. (Conference proceedings) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301524030_The_Shape_of_Digital_Transformation_A_Systematic_Literature_Review This article is a rigorous analysis of the literature on digital transformation in order to describe the essential dimensions and scope of the migration. The authors discuss several unifying subjects, including technological competitors such as mobile, cloud computing, and analytics as organizational drivers, cross-functional collaboration, leadership support, and new IT skills. Their research, which is quite important, is able to use the framework for understanding what is termed as the aspect of digital transformation that affects strategy, structure, operations, and culture (Henriette et al., 2015, p 2). This source has the data that will be used to highlight the larger picture of organizational labor required for successful technology integration into management. I will use this source to illustrate that applying technology for improved management entails more than just adopting new tools; it necessitates a comprehensive transformation of strategy, procedures, capabilities, and culture. Kane, G.C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A.N., Kiron, D., & Buckley, N. (2015). Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(1), 1-29. (Peer-reviewed journal) https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/fr/Documents/strategy/dup_strategy-not-technology-drives-digital-transformation.pdf According to this article in a reputable management journal, the most effective digital transformation not only comprises the implementation of new technologies but also the organizational strategic revision that such change entails. The authors strongly emphasize developing a robust digital business plan that...
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