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Cultural influences - African american Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Board 5 Chapters 17-20

1. How do you define your culture and cultural influences? What are some of your foundational beliefs and attitudes? What other self-definitions matter to you?

2. What is your reaction to reading about the differences in addiction related to sex and gender? Are you surprised in any way? If so, what surprised you?

3. Discuss the questions associated with each case study presented in the chapter.

4. Review the history related to the “War on Drugs" via your text and on the Internet. Do you agree with these policies? Why or why not? How would you change the current policies we have in place?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution/ Affiliation
African-Americans is one of the main cultural groups in the United States. Mainly they are of African origin, but some have non-black lineages as well. They are essentially the descendants of enslaved people who were moved from the African homelands by force to provide free labor in the new world and escape poverty in the African continent (Brown, 2020). For many years, their rights were strictly limited and often denied the equitable stake in the United States' social, political, and economic development. However, African Americans have made significant and enduring contributions to the history and culture of the country.
The African-American culture is deep-rooted in Africa. It is a combination of mainly the sahelean and sub-Saharan beliefs. Although slavery substantially inhibited the blacks of African origins from practicing their cultural traditions, many values, ideas, and practices survived and, over time, have been blended with white culture and other cultures such as Native Americans (Brown, 2020). That is, there are some aspects of the African-American culture that were underscored during the slavery period and resulted in an exclusive and vibrant culture, and have a substantial impact on the mainstream American culture and world at large.
Sophisticated ceremonies and rituals have been fundamental elements of African culture. For instance, West African believed that spirits dwelled in the environment. In this respect, they treated the environment with care. Besides, African-Americans think that there is life after death, and ancestors play a role in mediating for the living to the supreme creator. Prayer and honor help the Africans connect to the ultimate creator (Brown, 2020). Today, the African-American oral culture is rich in poetry, such as blues, gospel music, rap, and spirituals. In a nutshell, the African-American culture has had a universal, transformative influence on countless fundamentals of American culture, including dance, language, cuisine, agriculture, and music, to mention a few.
Drug addiction is prevalent in both women and men. Research shows that women frequently use drugs in a different way, react to drugs differently, and have unique problems to access effective treatment. However, men use all types of illicit drugs than women. This is well reflected in the emergence room visits and overdose deaths in men than in women. Likewise...
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