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Interviewing an Aged Person

Essay Instructions:

Read the attached assignment. You are to interview a family member or friend that is 65 years or older and to record the facts you learn. Once you have completed the interview, you will write a two-page response paper answering the following questions:

• What was the most surprising piece of information you learned about your interviewee?

• What question did your interviewee find the least comfortable to answer? Speculate why?

• What did you learn in general about interviewing an older adult?

• Did the interviewee conform to stereotypes about aging?

You will need to cite your text a minimum of 2 times. Your citations should support the information included in your paper. Reference page should be included.


- 2 FULL pages

- DO NOT include heading, name, etc

- 12 point font (Times New Roman)

- Double spaced

- Normal margins

Brief Response Assignment 3

Living History

Interview an Older Adult

For this assignment, you are to interview a family member or friend that is 65 years or older and to record the facts you learn. You are required to provide the following information:

Name of Interviewee

Relationship to Interviewer

Date of Birth


Current Resident (home, nursing home, assisted living)

Once you have completed the interview, you will write a two page response paper answering the following questions:

• What was the most surprising piece of information you learned about your interviewee?

• What question did your interviewee find the least comfortable to answer? Speculate why?

• What did you learn in general about interviewing an older adult?

• Did the interviewee conform to stereotypes about aging?

You do not have to ask all of the following questions. However, you need to ask enough questions to gather the information required for your two page response. Sample questions:

Beginning Questions:

When and where were you born?

Did your parents tell you anything about the day you were born?

Where did you live most of your childhood? Where else did you live?

How many brothers and sisters do you have or did you have?

What is your earliest memory of your childhood?

Early Childhood:

What was it like to grow up in your hometown or neighborhood?

Tell me about your early schooling.

Did you have any heroes when you were growing up?

Describe a memorable experience from your childhood. It can be humorous, sad, or the first thing that comes into your mind.

Teen Years:

What were the dating practices like?

Describe the first person you dated or your first dance?

What was the most difficult thing about being a teenager?

In your younger years what did you do for fun?


What was your first paid job and how old were you?

What was your last paid job and how old were you?

What were your hobbies as a younger adult? Have they changed over the years? If so,why?


What major events in history do you remember?

What are two of the most important changes you have seen in the world in your lifetime?

How do you think family life has changed over the years?

Life Today:

What are the most important problems facing the world today?

What is the best thing about being an older adult and what is the worst thing?

If you could give one piece of advance to younger adults to prepare them for older adulthood what would it be?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ageing Interview
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Ageing Interview
Ageing and adulthood come with different types of challenges like age discrimination, loss of independence and reduced physical ability. The ageing process results in creating spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional and biological changes in adults. Some adults can become self-sufficient and do not require any external assistance (Boccagni & Kusenbach, 2020). On the other hand, the majority of older adults require special care and external help from others. In some situations, people target older people for ridiculing and embarrassing them because of cultural misconceptions.
Surprising Information about Interviewee
Recently I interviewed a family member whose name is James Anderson and discovered some surprising information about him. The living history of the James is that the individual is unmarried and abandoned by the family members. The individual is living in a shelter home with other older people. The interviewee is my uncle, who was a very self-motivated individual at a younger age. The individual shared with me that he has lung cancer, gradually consuming his life. The excessive smoking done by him resulted in developing chronic illness. The family member was emotionally very disturbed as people have started ridiculing him in the old age. Such a situation is affecting the him mentally as the individual is also suffering from depression and anxiety. A diagnosis of the chronic illness in the late summer last year was followed with chemotherapy and radiation, which was a very painful experience for him. It was the most surprising piece of information which I learned about the interviewee. No one in the family was aware of the chronic illness and smoking habits of the James. It was the most shocking revelation on me, and I was deeply depressed by the overall situation.
Least Comfortable Question
The interviewee was least comfortable to answer about the personal challenges, chronic illness, and negative behaviour of the people. The individual was dealing with the u...
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