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The Evolution of Racial Formation

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For the final project, you will write a narrative essay (1200-1400 words) on how your understanding of racial formation evolved over the course of the quarter. You will develop a core theme or idea to focus your narrative, and support that with evidence from and analysis of your own journal writings as well as other course materials. A detailed description of the Final Paper assignment, along with due dates and grading criteria, can be found on Canvas.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

[Institutional Affiliation]
Racism is a social and cultural problem that has existed not only in the US but in other parts of the world. It is deeply rooted in society. So serious is the US's problem that it has influenced the pace of economic and infrastructural development. This paper extensively explains the root course of racism from a historical point of view under race evolution. The paper, too, highlights the scientific, political, and theological dimensions of racism. In addition to that report attempts to explain some of the US government's policies to solve this problem. Such projects are known as racial projects. The final section of this report describes racial despotism, the slow pace with which the US government has enacted laws to control racism.
The Evolution of Racial Formation
Race can be defined as identifying an individual or a group of people based on their skin color. In America, race has played a pivotal role in shaping people's culture, socio-economic status, and racially segregated policies. Racism is more pronounced in public institutions, public areas, and academic fields, and its impact is felt in the society more so by the minority groups who happen to be people of color. To a larger extent, racism has led to inequality and unfair treatment of a particular group of people. So how did racism develop in America, what were some of the factors that favored racism? The dimension of racial evolution, which encompasses religion, politics, and science, are pertinent issues that have been given much prominence in this report.
Racial formation developed started and developed gradually with the categorization of individuals. It is a combination of social stratification and marginalization of people based on culture. Social class and the class inequalities between racial groups in America indicate that racism has made inroads in society(Omi & Winant, 2018). Unfortunately, the huge disparity in lifestyle between the white Americans and the African American or some other minority groups can historically be linked to white supremacy.
Racism is a synonymous template with inequality and indifference among the various groups in America. Racism has played a key role in influencing social stratification in America. It is through racism that terminologies have acquired a new meaning altogether. Terms such as work and worker, labor and employment, master and servant.
These are terms that spell out the relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed on job-related issues (Omi & Winant, 2018). The words labor and servant are largely associated with the downtrodden who happen to be the minority groups.
To a larger extent, racism influences the pattern of lifestyles of certain groups of people. It influences the equitable distribution of resources in the sense majority of white Americans stay in affluent neighborhoods. In contrast, the minority groups stay in not so good neighborhoods, and it also influences the rights and privileges of various individuals. An average American who belongs to a minority group must work extremely hard to secure a better life even if he/she has very impressive papers. Racism has led to the advancement of the concept of subordination and oppression. (Takaki, 2018)In some instances, black Americans are perceived to be less of human beings, and in many cases, they are not accorded the respect that they deserve even in workplaces
Racism, as explained above, has some detrimental effects on society, and what about racialization? Racialization can be defined as the practice of extending racially segregated activities to a previously racially unclassified group. Racialization occurs both on a large scale and on a small scale (Omi & Winant, 2018). On a large scale, racialization is manifested in several ways. The scramble for Africa by the Western powers such as Europe to colonize African countries was the highest form of large scale racialization. The development and the existence and subsequent abolition of the slave trade was a case of a group of people who were racially oppressed and denied their human rights.
Racialization exists on a small scale, and 'making up of people' has been deemed a small scale racialization. It is a situation where a group of people, mostly minority groups, are mapped and confined to certain geographical regions (Omi & Winant, 201...
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