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Creating a Comprehensive Plan for a New Government

Essay Instructions:

A country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A group of loyalists to the old dictator have been detonating bombs, murdering civilians, assassinating leaders, and terrorizing towns with help from a neighboring country's dictator.

Create a comprehensive plan for a new government. While creating this government,
For Domestic Concerns: identify the governing style and principles that correlate to this style, identify the branches of government and its functions, development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good, Economic structure and reason why this should be used, and socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity.
For foreign Concern: Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security
Descriptions of both organizations
Rationales for joining these organizations
Steps to joining
Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country's terrorist threat and the domestic threat
Two ways these will be effective

Font: 12 point Times New Roman
Double space
1-inch margins

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It is so unfortunate that war has demolished and destroyed the entire infrastructure of several countries. This has also weakened the foundations of economic, political and military structures. People have lost their valuables and most importantly, their lives because of the dictatorship of the previous ruling party.
In the best interest of the nation and the country, the new form of government will be democratic. It will operate for the good of people. All members of the government, also called representatives, will be able to operate in a way that deems to be suitable to them (Mayhew, 2000). It will also allow everyone in the government to feel honored and respected while working cohesively for the mutual goal, which is good for the public.
The government will work hard to ensure the establishment of separation of power in all public and private institutes, to enforce the law, to develop a viable and coherent accountability system, and to form a constitution which is in the favor of the country. It will also draw a line between people’s rights and violations. The government will ensure that a due right is given to the media and regulatory authority is actively working to keep an eye on their operations.
The government will operate under three branches: the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branch. All of these branches will have a unique set of powers that they need to exercise in line with the law.
The government will launch two domestic programs with immediate effects. The first program will focus on the education system on priority bases. It is vital for a country to have its education system well in place because it promises prosperity. New task forces will be formed to work for a national cause. These task forces will also be recruiting new people and will provide them with the necessary training and coaching for this purpose. The government will soon announce a budget which is going to be allocated to build schools and colleges in all major cities of the country, followed by a series of projects all over the country.
The second, equally important, program the government has its eyes set on is the health sector. We are holding talks with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international organizations to help us in this regard. Also, the government is dedicated to allocating a big budget for this purpose which will be announced on a later stage.
The government will take all the necessary steps and initiatives to ensure the success of these two programs and all the opposing forces will be dealt with in line with the law.
It is also in government’s interest to formulate an economic policy that is clear and transparent in its all extensions. The special focus will be given to formulating the industrial and ...
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