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Continuous Quality Improvements: Medical University of South Carolina

Essay Instructions:

Develop a dashboard that illustrates the indicators of quality performance and a reporting cycle diagram that displays the continuous quality improvement stages.Include the indicators below in your dashboard chart:• List of metrics• Definition of each metric• How the metrics will be measured• The organization's target performance• The organization's actual performance • Trends in the data.
Write a 1,050-word summary of your dashboard addressing the following questions:• Determine and explain who the key stakeholders are.• Determine and explain who the participants and recipients are.• What are the key performance indicators?• Determine what the internal and external benchmarks are.• Identify areas that fall above or below the benchmark level. • What is the role of the dashboard in achieving the organization's goal?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous quality improvement is a philosophy that can be simply defined as one that encouraged all the health care providers to constantly ask themselves how well they are doing and how they can even improve in the future on their results. More importantly this to mean that the health care providers are faced with the need to improve on their level of efficiency. For the continuous improvements to have significant impacts on the health care provision processes, it is important that the culture starts at the patient level, within the practices and then extends to the population (Adams, 2018). To get the changes effected and achieve the desired outcomes, there is need for structure in the processes.
As the Medical University of South Carolina, points out, there is a lot of significance that is laid out on the systematic approach of bringing desired and continuous change. This disturbs that status quo that has been a common approach in most of the health care practices. Using the continuous quality improvement approaches, the health care practitioners in the various fields are able to bring higher standards and even better outcomes (Adams, 2018). Improving on the existing practices to boost the level of satisfaction on the patients and care delivery quality.
‘CQI is a management philosophy which contends that most things can be improved.  This philosophy does not subscribe to the theory that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It is a set of concepts, principles and methods developed from quality principles proposed by early quality gurus, W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Philip Crosby, Brian Joiner, and others. These CQI principles, tools, and techniques have been found to work effectively in manufacturing industries.  They have recently been found to also effectively work in human service industries, including healthcare. At the core of CQI is serial experimentation (the scientific method) applied to everyday work to meet the needs of those we serve and improve the services we offer.’ (Adams, 2018)
This dashboard focuses on the steps of the continuous quality improvement. It is specifically addressing the element of patient data security and how it can be shored up at the organization. It is currently falling below the industry standards and requires to be improved to reduce the risk of leaking sensitive information to the wrong parties.
Identify the Need or the Problem
There are five main stages of the continuous quality improvement and the first one is the part where the team is able to identify the problem. It is not possible to change towards a goal that is not established first. As such, the first stage of the CQI is the ability to pinpoint what it is that is a challenge to the delivery in care. This could in reference to a process or even a part of the process that is reducing the ability to deliver quality care to the patient. It is important that the problem defined at this stage is specific enough. This reduces the amount of time and resources required to come with the perfect strategies to improve on the same. At this stage it is important for the team to define the issue or in other words identify the need for the improvement required. Simply put, the team has to start with the problem statement. At this point the organization need to identify the need in patient data security which is lacking. This is a target area for the organization and one that should much the industry trend in reference to the high medical history data security levels.
Define the Current Situation
The next and second stage of the CQI is the definition of the current situation. This is the stage where the team is required to breakdown the problem that that they have identified in the first stage. This is a crucial stage as it is at this point the group is able to bring out the various weaknesses that are present within the problem that they have identified (Richards, 2018). Using this stage, the group is able to establish all the components of the problem along with the ones that need immediate attention or those to be addressed in the future. This further helps the team to establish the target improvement goals. Ideally, this is a stage that helps the group to better focus on the areas that will best have the most impact relative to the resources and level of expertise that they have at ...
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