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Narrative Essay about Myself

Essay Instructions:

Create a narrative essay yourself, I am a girl. So write from my point of view ,use she / her ,a little more to be the scene of the dialogue logic to pass the story to be completed.

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Essay About Myself
What A bad way to end a day!
My name is Rebecca, and I am 18 years old. I am the eldest in a family of three kids. I have been able to make a few friends who mostly come from within the neighborhood. I have had some life encounters that are not very pleasant. The worst scenario which I considered my lucky day was in April last year.
I remember the day very well like it happened yesterday. It was around 7 pm in the evening when mum had sent me to the nearby shop to buy some stuff for supper. Being the eldest in our family going to the grocery to do some purchase was a daily routine. I remember I was in my bedroom when mum called me.
“Hey Reb, come over here”, Mum called me out.
“Hold on a second mum, I am coming out”, I said.
“Better be quick, I need to cook some nice supper for the family, you will live to remember todays supper”, said mum.
Reaching in the kitchen mum gave me some money to go get her some ingredients from the nearby grocery. I went back to my room and took my phone and the earphones. I used to listen to some music on my phone whenever am alone and the walking to the grocery while listening to music was somehow therapeutic. I loved the experience and I never objected to go out to buy something however late it may be. I reached the grocery.
“Hey, yoh! I need some tomatoes, fresh ginger and some garlic”, I asked the attendant.
“You got them right away”, replied the attendant who at this time was all over the place trying to get me my stuff as the queue was getting longer.
“Please remember to pack them nicely; else my mum won’t like it”
“Sure”, he said.
I made my payment and started heading back home. By the time I left the grocery it was around 7.40 pm. After a five minutes’ walk I came to the usual most feared corner in our neighborhood. The darkness on this corner was one that could make you feel like you are in some place that is totally different from planet earth. Normally it was very rare to find a lady walking alone at this corner on their own; it was one of those rare occasions. At this time my favorite musician, the late Whitney Houston was playing on my earphones. I was so much absorbed into the music that I hardly heard anybody around me. All this time someone was following me and I dint hear him approaching me. Somehow, I started sensing someone was following me; I suddenly started increasing my walking pace. My heart was throbbing so fast and my hair stood to its end. I felt some cold shiver all over my body. This is the time I got over my fantasy world of music. I heard someone walking from behind; the more I increased the speed the more they also increased the speed. I start...
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