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ENG3315 Successful Software Engineer Career Eric Glen Sun

Essay Instructions:

ENG3315 Advanced Writing Assignment 2: Write a profile of a New Yorker you know DRAFT: Printed copy of rough draft due IN CLASS Thursday, Feb. 1 FINAL version: Upload to Blackboard by Tuesday, Feb. 6, 11:59 p.m.
Length: about 500-600 words
New Yorkers are characters. Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian, but he's obsessed with cars. Maybe your accountant spends weekends as a competitive ice-dancing judge. Who knew that the guy who operates the coffee cart is a champion chess player? You only find out if you ask.
A profile is a descriptive, informative, essay about a particular, living person (the subject). The writer's goal is to focus on something interesting and/or unexpected about the selected person's life or interests.
Directions: Select a person you know who is willing to be the subject of a profile. Draw up a list of questions, organize a meeting time, and conduct an interview. Be prepared to write down and/or record the subject's answers. You should get the subject's permission if you plan to record the conversation.
Organize your material into paragraphs. The final version SHOULD NOT BE IN INTERVIEW format (that is, as a "Q and A")—it SHOULD BE in ESSAY format.
Write objectively; include both paraphrases and direct quotes from your subject.
Use 12-point font
Type your name on the page
Please Note:
Contact the Help Desk if you have trouble uploading your paper.
Papers posted after the due date are marked down.
Especially important! If any part of your paper is not your own work and is not documented as such, you will earn zero points. Please see the syllabus for plagiarism penalties.
How to Upload your paper
For this course go to Blackboard Course Material >"Upload Profile Here" >Read directions; click on "Browse My Computer" to upload your document.
*Please DO upload a document in an acceptable file format;
*Please DO NOT cut and paste into the window.Thomas/Winter 2018

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Eric Glen Sun is a software engineer who has had a successful career working with Citrix Instruments. Sun claims that he had an interest in math and sciences from an early age, which he pursued with a passion. He has several degrees including computer science, artificial intelligence, and math. Now at 36 years, Sun claims that he enjoys his job because he is able to create software systems for companies including money lenders, banks, businesses, and schools among others. Looking at Sun, he is a calm and collected person who is a focused individual in the white collar industry. However, it was surprising when Sun admitted that he is so much into music.
Sun claims that music has been persistent in his life since his childhood. His father was a guitarist who performed in a band and through him, Sun came to love music. He started playing the piano when he was six years old and when he was eight, he graduated to classical guitar. His passion for music progressed from here and throughout high school and after starting college; he joined a small hard rock band. However, in the middle of his college years, the workload became excess and he had to leave the band and focus on his education.
When Sun started his career in software engineering, music took a back seat. He became focused in his work and gradually became a team leader in the software engineering department. He has supervised various projects for the company and he attributes his success i...
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