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Construction Management

Essay Instructions:

BCN 1013 – Ethics and Writing Assignment – 1208 

Prepare a paper discussing the following: 

1. In your own words, define “ethical behavior.” Is this behavior always legal? Why or why not? If a certain behavior is not illegal, does that mean it is ethical? Again, why or why not? 

2. Which of the following views of ethical behavior comes closest to your way of thinking: (a) the utilitarian view, (b) the individualism view, (c) the moral-rights view, or (d) the justice view? Why? 

3. Discuss, in detail, a situation or a predicament that you have personally faced where you had to make a decision and/or take some action where you had to consider whether that decision or action was ethical. What things did you consider? What decision did you make or what action did you take? Why was your decision/action the right one? Was your decision/action ethical? Why or why not? 

Be prepared to present your paper to the class and to lead a discussion on the subject. 

Assignment Requirements 

The paper must be a minimum of FIVE (5) PAGES (NOT including cover sheet, table of contents, index, list of references, etc.), double spaced, one (1”) inch borders all-around, in 12 point, “Ariel” font. Cite all references using APA (American Psychological Association) style. See the internet for APA style guides or template, http://www(dot)apastyle(dot)org/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Construction Management
Response to question 1
Ethical behavior refers to acting in ways that seems to be consistent with what individuals and society perceive to be right values. Due to competition any business must observe ethical behavior to retain and attract more customers. Some of the key principles that demonstrate ethical behavior include equality, honesty, fairness, diversity, dignity and individual rights. Normally, ethical behavior is not always legal because sometimes what the society and individuals expect may violate the constitutional provisions (Merrill, 2011). For instance obeying instructions from your boss at the workplace could be considered ethical.
However, some of the instructions from the manager could be illegal. For example, respecting your boss to give false income tax returns could be morally right within the organization but illegal constitutionally. If a particular behavior is not illegal, it could still be unethical in the society. For instance, the law provides for the freedom of association in the society. As a result, a boss in an organization could fall in love with the junior employee in the organization. Legally it is correct but it is unethical in the society (Merrill, 2011). The society views a leader of an organization who has a family as a role model and hence falling in love with a junior employee would be perceived unethical by the society members. That implies that a decision could be legal and ethical, legal and unethical or illegal and ethical depending on the set moral standards of the society
Response to question 2
I uphold the moral rights view of ethics because it maintains the fundamental rights of all human beings. I believe that any decision taken should respect the rights of the majority in the society. Thus, in my opinion any behavior that benefits the majority is ethical while any behavior that infringes on the rights of others is unethical. For instance if the government makes a decision of reclaiming grabbed public land occupied by squatters and sells it to the private developer, the decision could be legal but regarding moral rights view the decision is unethical. It is unethical because the majority of residents would be rendered homeless to benefit only a single individual (Amico, 2015). On the other hand, the decision by the federal government to acquire a grabbed piece of land from a private developer to construct roads and other forms of infrastructure would be ethical. That is because the developed infrastructure would benefit the majority of the population and hence create equality.
I choose the moral rights view because I believe that all citizens of a country have the right to be treated equally by the laws of the country. The legal enforcement units should, therefore, behave ethically by ensuring that the law applies equally to all regardless of their status in the society. For instance, while effecting rules and regulations concerning qualification needed to win a construction tender in the federal government the construction licensing board should be ethical in ensuring that no contractor gets special treatment. In my view, it's only ethical that the licensing board gives permits to many contractors (Amico, 2015). That would ensure that all qualified contractors enjoy the rights of serving their country unlike awarding the license to only one contractor.
Licensing one contractor would be unethical and contradict the moral rights view of ethics that advocate for the spread of benefits to many members of the society. Furthermore, it would be unethical to license one contractor as...
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