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The Connection And Different Between The Two Essay

Essay Instructions:

There are two essay: "Which one of these Sneakers is Me?" and "Come to Lab Near You". Please write the difference and connection between the two essay. Use at least 3 quote from the essay. The essays are in the attached documents.

All drafts MUST be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman (NO OTHER FONT), 12 pt, with standard margins (1” top and bottom, left and right) and submitted as Word documents.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The connection and difference between the two essays
After reading the two essays where the first essay is "Which One of These Sneakers Is Me?" in which Douglas Rushkoff explains that the younger generation is more consumer savvy and therefore forces the retailers to rethink the process of branding and marketing their products. While attempting to explain how these fashion trends force the youth to do stuff so as to fit in the society, he says “…the shopping mall, where this mental paralysis is most commonly observed…” (Rushkoff 1). The second essay is “Come to Lab Near You” in which Mary Carmichael explains about neuromarketing which applies neuropsychology to marketing research and effective response to marketing stimuli, and essentially “…why people would buy a product they didn't particularly like…” Neuromarketing tries to get an understanding of the rationale behind consumers decision marking and the response to marketing stimuli to apply what is learned in the marketing world.
In both essays, the authors provide explanations on the ticks and games which companies play to sell their products. David Rushkoff says that once the adolescents bring up their defense mechanism, the market researchers come up with countermeasures to fight back, “…Yes our children are the prey and their consumer loyalty is the prize in an escalating arms race...” (Rushkoff 1). Marketers used to have more power over what consumers bought in the early years since influencing the consumers was very easy, (Rushkoff, 2003).
The world today makes it very difficult to influence the consumers, and market researchers try to come up with inventive ways through which they can influence the consumers. As Carmichael states in her article “Increased activity in the brain doesn't necessarily mean increased preference for a product… ” It calls for various ways to really sway consumers, even psychologically, since “…no amount of neuromarketing research can transform otherwise rational people into consumption-driven zombies...” (Carmichael, 2004).
One of the defense mechanisms used by adolescents is the little attention spans which keep them from falling into the spell of advertisers (Holt, 2002). The short attention spans are as a result of technological advancement where the remote for example made it easier to flip through the channels. As the article states, “…The remote...
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