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A Farewell To Arms Morals: Ability Of A Person To Participate

Essay Instructions:

The theme of human values and morality is found throughout this novel. Choose one value or instance where morality is observed or questioned. How does it help to shape the character development of the one in question? Provide the textual evidence.

The response should be at least three paragraphs in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Farewell to Arms
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Morality is the ability of a person to participate I an activity that is good in regard to society’s opinion. In the novel “a Farewell to Arms”, Hemmingway points out several occasions whereby his characters do not act in a moral way. This theme of morality has helped in propelling the story because it acts as a basis for other themes. Henry is one of the characters that the author has used to bring out the theme of morality.
During the battle of Carpeto, henry and his team discover that they are about to be defeated and carries out an act of immorality. As a result, he goes beyond his authority to kill one of the ...
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