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Connecting Leadership Experience to Academic Knowledge

Essay Instructions:

Leadership Impact Plan Paper
Your program has provided many opportunities for you to cultivate your competencies as a leader. The Leadership Impact Plan Paper provides an opportunity for you to assess and reflect on your leadership journey and the knowledge and skills you have developed over time to help you guide and provide direction to others.
Using the Individual Student Profile information (completed in the first course in your program) as a springboard, consider your growth as a leader and document your change over time as a result of your participation in this program. In a 5 culminating paper, reflect on your personal and professional growth as a leader during your program journey and how those experiences contributed to and will continue to contribute to you becoming a more informed, reflective, and responsive leader in your field. Personalize your reflection by providing examples of how you translated the knowledge and skills you gained in your coursework into practice and authentic leadership experiences and how you will continue to develop your leadership skills.
Reflect on the following questions to guide your response:
How have you grown as a leader during the course of your program journey?
What leadership qualities are most important to you, and how have these qualities been enhanced by your graduate experience?
Which leaders in your field or profession have influenced your transformation and why?
Revisiting the reflections written in courses, in what ways have your goals or thinking about your profession changed?
What are the implications and applications of your learning and leadership for your profession?
How can you apply the leadership competencies you have gained or improved to make a difference in your personal and professional life and in the lives of others?
How will you continue to develop your leadership skills?
Before you begin writing, review the rubric for this assignment. Organize your thoughts so that you have a section in your paper for each of these topics:
Reflection – How has your past knowledge and experience guided your growth as a leader?
Connection to Experience – What connections can you make between your experiences as a leader and your academic knowledge?
Connection to Discipline – How does your work as a leader cross disciplines? How does one field of study inform another?
Risk Taking – What risks have you taken while in your program? How have you moved beyond what is comfortable to what is new in your role as a leader?
Ethical Perspectives – When have you had to consider ethics in making decisions as a leader?
Initiative – How have you demonstrated that you have been willing to take the first steps in a leadership action?
A template for the Leadership Impact Plan Paper has been provided for you in Student Commons in the Capstone Experience Resources.
APA and Writing Checklist
Title page (Use title, author’s name, author’s institution, course prefix and number, course instructor name, and assignment due date.)
Title on first written page
Use headings
References with doi# or url
Length: The double-spaced paper should be 5 pages in length.
Overall format:
Compose the paper in a Word document.
Leave a one-inch margin at the top, bottom, left, and right.
Use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font.
Organize your paper with APA-formatted headings and sub-headings.
References: Follow APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Impact Plan Paper
Student Name
University Affiliation
Course Number Course Title
Course Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Leadership Impact Plan Paper
Leadership requires individuals to assess their journey and determine whether their actions align with their goals. Good leadership promotes effective learning and teaching by providing a conducive environment. Reflection helps one look back at how much they have grown their leadership skills. It is also essential to reflect to determine what you have been doing right or wrong. Doing so guides a leader on making changes or continuing to keep growing as a leader. Connecting leadership experience to academic knowledge is essential in building on prior knowledge, while connection to discipline helps relate one field of study to another.
Risk-taking involves taking chances to try new ideas without assurance of success or fear of failure. Ethics govern a leader's behavior and character within their scope of work and outside. Leaders should always be mindful of their ethics to lead teams successfully. Leaders should always be proactive and ready to take the initiative, especially when no one else is willing. Leading by example also enables the other team members to challenge going beyond their responsibilities.
My past knowledge has cumulatively built on my experience in leadership. During my program, I have learned a lot of valuable lessons and skills on leadership. For instance, I have learned to be innovative and creative while coming up with solutions for any challenges. My experience has also boosted my confidence and ability to handle multitudes of people. Leadership training engages one in group activities that improve teamwork and interaction. Moreover, my public speaking skills have greatly improved with constant practice and exposure.
Knowledge of implementing emotional intelligence while dealing with people has helped me become a good leader. I have understood that people process information and emotions differently, and it is vital to be inclusive as a leader. I have continued to improve my communication skills while interacting with people. The training and experience enable me to interact with people of different cultures, backgrounds, and ages
Connection to Experience
Academic knowledge and good leadership are connected, though not quantifiable. Academic knowledge helps one to make informed decisions. It enables a leader to analyze a situation from different perspectives and consider solutions critically. Knowledgeable leaders can accommodate suggestions from various stakeholders. They acknowledge that some decisions can harm others and strive to balance. 
The academic knowledge I have gained in my study allows me to use the lessons and skills I have gained in everyday life. It also helps to become a well-informed leader who understands the importance of inclusivity and listening to the voices of the minority. Martin Luther King Jr. was a well-educated leader who always liked to talk about the importance of knowledge in leadership. According to him, education equips individuals with skills to think effectively and discern the good and the bad (Rao, 2018). Broad education also provides exposure to other cultures and builds a leader's experience.
Connection to Discipline
A leader should be able to apply leadership in all scopes of life and in whatever situation they find themselves in. learning offers an opportunity to serve beyond the capacity of one's training. It allows one to think broadly and come up with solutions that benefit all, not only those in their field. Various fields of study are connected, and individuals can apply the lessons learned in one discipline to another. Sometimes, people end up in careers that are different from what they studied. Leaders should always be ready to work with people with different academic qualifications. 
It is important to keep seeking knowledge by taking short courses and going for training. The courses should not necessarily be...
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