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Becoming A Better Writer Coming Of Age As A Writer

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Informal essay

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Coming of Age as a Writer
Writing 102 dislodged me from my writing comfort zone. I tended to write for the sake of grades and thus I found the work extremely boring and punitive. I only made enough efforts to give me good grades but not enough for the best grades. I even found the best grades unattainable and I had become defensive of my skill or lack of it thereof. I found myself gravitating to ‘easy’ topics most of which I had no interest in. However, Writing 102 class prompted me to see writing in a different light and evoked the drive to learn how to improve my skill. I often perceived writing as a punishment and that negative attitude hindered my progress in learning new ways to communicate my ideas and arguments effectively. Earlier, my work was mistake-ridden although I thought of it as perfect. I was always overlooking the most important step, revision. However, in this class, I learned the importance of revision, proper choice of topics and proper planning.
I have also learned that writing is a process and now I appreciate the process more than ever before. I used to write for the grades, but it has come to be a new way of expressing myself. In the past, I felt the writing was some form of punishment and it was always shadowed by other interest. I always found myself rushing to do and complete my work then upload it with about 30 seconds to spare. That meant my work was not well-researched and or my ideas were not coherent. My work was always ridden by many errors that grammar checking software could not capture. However, I came to learn that writing is even therapeutic and it applicability transcended beyond the class. I envisioned myself applying the skills in my professional career or contributing to scholarly forums in a compelling and interesting manner. I began to see writing in a new light and understanding that each step in the writing process is important if I had to deliver better-quality work.
As the semester progressed, I began researching my topics earlier, creating outlines, taking time refini...
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