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Technology Assessment: Cyber Security For Critical Infrastructure

Essay Instructions:

Do you find the private sector approach to securing its critical infrastructure to be adequate? If so, why? If not, why not? Could a cyber attack like the one that occurred in Estonia in 2007 happen in the United States? Would it be possible for the electric grid, financial networks, transportation sector, and so on, to be shut down simultaneously? How might technology be more effectively used to improve physical security at the nation’s most critical infrastructure operations, and why is this important?

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Critical infrastructure
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Critical infrastructure
Critical infrastructure refers to all crucial assets and body systems whose continued operation maintains security of people, properties, economy and health of a particular country’s citizens and the nation itself. Private sector monitors a wide range of critical infrastructure including water and chemical processing sectors which are more prone to security threats. There are many challenges encountered during protection of critical infrastructure such that private sector alone have no ability to completely secure critical infrastructure from threating factors. Effective protection of critical infrastructure requires exchange of information between the government and private bodies responsible (Harrell, B 2017). Relevant information shared helps in alerting both parties in case of expected threat whereby effective protective measures are applied.
Estonian internet infrastructure was attacked for three week. Servers were interfered with and political conflict was initiated. During that period people were subjected to domestic conflict between supporters of the newly elected leaders and ethnic minority in Russia (Jerry, J. 2013). America is among na...
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