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The Advantage Of Plastic Sugary

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minimum 800 words for essay

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My essay Question is ( Is plastic surgery ultimately helpful or harmful to a person’s well-being?)

I want to wrote about helpful. please Use simple words as high school English, but must have APA format and APA format site. Don’t use any word so complicated. Please use website and I can easily to find out.

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Benefits of Plastic Surgery
English Skills ESL
December 4, 2018
Benefits of Plastic Surgery
Do you know that there are more then 200,000 teens had plastic surgery in 2017 (Paul, 2018), which is such a big number? Plastic surgery has grown popular over the years which have been catalyzed by the digital age of technology, have given birth to social media, urged people to boost self-esteem and needed people to look good. At present, plastic surgery has grown to become more popular because of its benefits: Helping people boost confidence and improve the self-esteem of individuals, helping contribute to good health and helping people have a good career.
First, Plastic Surgery can help people boost confidence and improve the self-esteem of individuals (Norman & Rappaport, 2015). People can change their appearance by doing the surgery, and then they look good. Good moods make them feel good and increase self-confidence. Cosmetic shortcomings can be reconstructed now according to each personal preference, like body reconstructions, such as the breast and the buttock reconstructions help people who don’t have a very good physical shape feel more confident of themselves. Through the plastic surgery, People who used to stay alone become more outgoing and don’t hide from the public anymore because they want more people to see them and be social with them (Norman & Rappaport, 2015). According to a 2013 study on the psychological effects of cosmetic surgery, people who went under the knife feel less anxious and have more joy in their life. Also, people felt healthier and happier after the surgery, and this happiness helps improve self-esteem and confidence (Lawson, 2017). Therefore we can see plastic surgery really can help people boost confidence and improve the self-esteem of individuals from the above evidence.
Second, plastic surgery helps contribute to good health. It helps people reduce the risk of suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular problems because plastic surgery results in the loss of weight which reduces the risk of diabetes and the risk of heart problems which linked to blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also can relieve chronic pain. There are some specific procedures which can help relieve chronic pain from back, neck, and shoulder by eliminating the extra fat (Lawson). Not only for becoming more attractive, but plastic surgery also improve physical well-being. From the article, Lawson also says lifting upper eyelid or blepharoplasty can improve peripheral vision by reducing the effects of the eye strain, and rhinoplasty can help fix a deviated septum. A successful rhinoplasty helps people breath better and reduces snoring, also makes people who have a sleepin...
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