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Critical Thinking: Clarity, Logic, Justifiability, Profundity

Essay Instructions:

Inference and Interpretation
Read in Chapter 5 in your text Exhibit 5.12 (page 122) and reflect on how you sometimes form your views and perspectives regardless of data or evidence to the contrary.
Based on your readings, research, and experiences as well as your study and consideration of the Exhibit above, select and analyze one issue that is now in the national debate, on health, education, climate change, role of the US foreign policy, United Nations, undocumented workers, or unions and the minimum wage. In writing your essay, consider how your thinking impacts how you give meaning to events, social issues, or facts.
Select one issue as your topic for the essay. See this link from the CSUGlobal Library for help: http://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/c.php?g=231734&p=1539172
Include the following points (see also Exhibit 5.1, p.103):
Profundity – your depth of knowledge on a topic
The essay is a roadmap of how your mind works. Therefore, there is no right or wrong answer. The goal is to support your critical thinking based on readings from text, articles, or discussions in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking
Institution of affiliation
Critical Thinking
The past decade has seen an influx of undocumented immigrants make their way to the US and European nations. This influx is influenced by their desire to live better and more prosperous lives. Undocumented immigrants often desire to work and are thus defined as undocumented workers. In the United States, these undocumented workers form a large pool of the unskilled labor force of the US. These workers become undocumented when they enter the United States illegally. They also overstay or violate the terms of their residence in the United States. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that undocumented workers contribute over $ 11.6 billion to the US economy through taxesCITATION Und16 \l 1033 (Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy , 2016). The Department of Homeland Security estimates that there are at least 11 million illegal and undocumented immigrants in the United States CITATION Dep16 \l 1033 (Department of Homeland Security , 2016). The issue of undocumented workers in the United States is an emotive issue that captures widespread public attention. The issue has been further compounded in the years following the 2008 recession. Sections of the public complained that these workers took up jobs that ought to belong to the Native American citizens. The undocumented workers are unable to register for benefits from state and federal authorities. The workers also are willing to take on work at lower wages compared to native citizens. The results is a distortion in the prices of labor in the labor market CITATION Mig16 \l 1033 (Migration Policy Institute , 2016). The paper seeks to gain a critical and empirical understanding of the plight of laborers. The paper will further to this explore how my thinking impacts how you give meaning to events, social issues, or facts. The essay will discuss this issue in relation to a number of points and their impact on my thinking.
The discussion on undocumented workers demands clarity on the facts of the issues and my state of mind. In determining the plight of undocumented workers in the United States, it is important to understand their effects to the economy. Arguments have been raised that the undocumented workers constitute a threat to the employment of citizens. The Pew Research Center reports that only 5.1% of the labor force constitutes of undocumented immigrants CITATION Pew15 \l 1033 (Pew Research Center, 2015). The result is that only one in 20 workers is undocumented. The economic reality of this indicates that a large portion of jobs have been taken up by China and Developing countries. This was due to the effect of worker pricing themselves out of the market. Legislation and Trade Unions have made American labor to become expensive to the extent that manufacturers prefer to take their manufacturing out of the US.
Another question often raised against undocumented workers and immigrants is that they cause a spike in the crime rate. The issue has faced unclear responses from government and academic circles. Research from academics is at odds with government reports that indicate undocumented workers contribute to crime. It is important to note that Undocumented workers have less incentive to engage in crime. If arrested these workers are deported to their countries or prosecuted under federal law. The workers would be prosecuted for illeg...
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