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BWRIT 188: Research Writing, Spring 2016: Chinese Culture

Essay Instructions:

you don't have to write a paper, just complete the attachment based on the previous order.

Gestalt Switch: Gestalt, a German word meaning "essence or shape of an entity's complete form," is often translated as “whole” or “form”. A “Gestalt Switch” refers to illustrations where one image can appear as two things (or more than two), by a shift between “figure” and “ground.” As the images show, A is either a vase or two faces; B is either a duck or a rabbit. A principal idea is that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” This holistic approach has philosophical implications when handling human affairs. Things as they “appear” reveal different meaning when seen from a more complete perspective. For instance, as Professor Robert DiYanni pointed out, a doctor’s perspective may differ from that of the parent of a sick child. Failing to take into consideration of other perspectives, we may habitually paralyze ourselves (as James Joyce often shows) when we see the world from too limited a point of view.

 The best example of interrelated critical concepts is Immanuel Kant’s CI Procedure (Categorical Imperative) in his influential book Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals (1785). In this book, Kant outlined four sets of terms. Each set implies an argument.

 Contrast 1 (morality) duty vs. inclination

Contrast 2 (freedom) autonomy vs. heteronomy

Contrast 3 (reason) categorical vs. hypothetical imperative

Contrast 4 (standpoints) intelligible vs. sensible realms


  1. Write a paragraph on literature review or review of the literature. For example, on human nature, there are three influential theories among ancient Chinese philosophers. Whereas Xunzi claims that human nature is evil Mencius argues that human nature is good. In between Gaozi, a contemporary of Mencius, asserts that “Man's nature is like water whirling round in a corner. Open a passage for it to the east, and it will flow to the east; open a passage for it to the west, and it will flow to the west. Man's nature is indifferent to good and evil, just as the water is indifferent to the east and west.”1 In other words, “Human nature does not show any preference for either good or bad…” (160). Gaozi’s statement echoes best with John Locke’s catchphrase tabula rasa or “blank slate”, a theory of the mind that foregrounds the role of experience in one’s development. However, by implication if not by direction, Locke’s theory seems to contradict the “original sin” as showcased in the Old Testament.


Take two steps: concisely document critics’ positions on the same issue and concisely summarize the reasons lurking behind. This is applicable at all levels of your writing. While doing this, you must carefully jot down the source information so that everything quoted is traceable to its origin. Note this forms the core argument in your essay. Based on this, you can expand or explain in more details.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
BWRIT 188: Research Writing – Gao, Spring 2016Library Session 2
Librarian: Kate Magner, kmagner@uw.edu
BWRIT 135 class guide: http://guides.lib.uw.edu/bwrit135gao
This worksheet will help you search for, locate, evaluate, and cite articles and books related to your research. Now is the time to think critically about the results you're finding, deciding if they are reliable sources of information, and knowing how to save them for use later when you're writing your paper.
Know what you need
In 2-3 sentences, explain what types of information you need about your topic. (for example: I want to find scholarly articles about teaching methods and current events on college campuses.)
I want to find online books about the history of the Chinese culture. Also some scholary articles of Chinese culture and that of Europe. I additionally want to find online educational articles of the strength and weaknesses of the Chinese dynasties.I want to find online books about the history of the Chinese culture. Also some scholary articles of Chinese culture and that of Europe. I additionally want to find online educational articles of the strength and weaknesses of the Chinese dynasties.
Choosing a resource
Now that you have identified some types of information that you need, you can start thinking about the resources that might be useful to search for that information. The Catalog under the Books & Media tab as well as the link on Articles tab are good places to start
1 Explore the class guide and select the ONE resource (the catalog or a database) to search
2 Which resource did you choose and why did you choose it? Please provide details in 2-3 sentences of why you think this resource will help you to find the information you need.
The resource is: /webhp?hl=en The resource I used is an online search tool. I chose it because it is detailed and more recent.The resource is: /webhp?hl=en The resource I used is an online search tool. I chose it because it is detailed and more recent.
1 Construct searches using the keywords you feel best describe each main idea of your topic. Remember to use the AND, OR, ( ), *, and “ ” like you did in your Boolean homework
2 Record your search phrases and the number of results in that occurred in the boxes below
For example, in Academic Search Complete:
Search #1: “Student employment” AND benefits had 133 results
Search #2: “Student employment” AND tuition had 41 results
219075212725Search #1: “Chinese History” AND Dynasty sytem had 4,350,000 resultsSearch #2: “Similarities and differences between Chinese dynasty” AND Europe had 91,200,000 results 450 reultsSearch #3: “Strengths and weaknesses of Chinese dynasty” had 233,000 results00Search #1: “Chinese History” AND Dynasty sytem had 4,350,000 resultsSearch #2: “Similarities and differences between Chinese dynasty” AND Europe had 91,200,000 results 450 reultsSearch #3: “Strengths and weaknesses of Chinese dynasty” had 233,000 resultsSearch #3: “Student employment” AND benefits OR tuition had 562,761 results
Try a few of the search phrases you designed in a different database, so you can compare the databases using the same search phrase.
1 What database did you choose and why?
The resource used: https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5I used the google scholar database. This is because it is more based on the educational purpose and also contains scholar articles.The resource used: https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5I used the google scholar database. This is because it is more based on the educational purpose and also contains scholar articles.
457200161290Search #1: “Chinese History” AND Dynasty sytem had 19,100 resultsSearch #2: “Similarities and differences between Chinese dynasty” AND Europe had 40,800 resultsSearch #3: “Strengths and weaknesses of Chinese dynasty” had 15,200 results00Search #1: “Chinese History” AND Dynasty sytem had 19,100 resultsSearch #2: “Similarities and differences between Chinese dynasty” AND Europe had 40,800 resultsSearch #3: “Strengths and weaknesses of Chinese dynasty” had 15,200 results
2 What differences did you discover between those two databases and the results that occurred from your searches? (Feel free to try additional searches if you need to discover more about the second database. You can also poke around to see what features might differ between the databases.)
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