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Challenges and Opportunities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

write 3-page written reflection to demonstrate understanding of the material regarding to these two resources
Volunteering in Canada: Challenges and opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic. https://www150(dot)statcan(dot)gc(dot)ca/n1/pub/45-28-0001/2020001/article/00037-eng.htm
Janzen, M. Petersen, C. (2020). Beyond schools: Community-based experiences as a third space in teacher education. Brock Education Journal, 29(1), pp. 53-66. https://journals(dot)library(dot)brocku(dot)ca/brocked/index.php/home/article/view/817

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper: Challenges and Opportunities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Reflection Paper
Source One
The first material outlines the challenges and opportunities volunteers and volunteering companies faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. I think the resource reflects how the pandemic has posed a huge challenge to people in Canada and other parts of the world. Canada was not the only country that had people volunteering to help with the situation. Therefore, addressing these challenges reflects what other countries were going through. For example, according to the resource, some hospitals had to drop their volunteering programs to facilitate safety for those involved in the program (Hahmann, Plessi, & Fournier-Savard, 2020).
Hospitals presented as the areas with the highest risk of transmitting the virus. Therefore, if people were allowed to volunteer in large numbers, they would increase the rate of transmission. The volunteer also had families, and if they contracted the virus, they would transmit it to their loved ones. Regardless of the volunteers playing an important role in helping COVID-19 patients, the hospital made the right decision to suspend their volunteer programs. Safety and controlling the spread of the disease was the key objective. If people continued to volunteer in large numbers, the country would have faced a huge crisis than it did during that period.
Additionally, the article outlines baby boomers and matures as those who are likely to volunteer in helping COVID-19 patients. I think the article is right to point out the challenges facing this group in terms of participating in volunteer work. Mature people are at a high risk of getting complications from COVID-19. Therefore, they do not qualify to be among the population with the highest number of volunteers. These people also have busy schedules and, therefore, might not have enough time left to volunteer. The only time they have is to make a living amidst the challenging pandemic period. I think young people have higher chances of becoming volunteers because most do not have jobs to take care of. Following the lockdown guidelines, young people have a lot of time because they only need to attend online classes. Therefore, they make the highest number in the population that can qualify as volunteers.
The article presents a situation where people were acting out of the panic caused by the pandemic. During the onset of the pandemic, medical practitioners did not have any experience in taking care of the sick. Therefore, a large number of people lost their lives. This situation has changed because people know how to protect themselves from getting the virus. T...
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