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Why Should Abortion be Legalized?

Essay Instructions:

Modules 1-7: Full-Course Assignment
1) Throughout this course, you will work on writing a persuasive essay of 750¬–1,000 words (roughly three to five pages).
2) The essay-writing process is broken down into seven parts. Each part will be due in a different module and graded separately.
a) Topic and Audience (due by the end of Module 1)
b) Brainstorm (due by the end of Module 2)
c) Thesis Statement (due by the end of Module 3)
d) Outline (due by the end of Module 4)
e) First Draft (due by the end of Module 5)
f) Peer review (due by the end of Module 6)
g) Final Draft (due by the end of Module 7)
3) Your essay will be informed by the topic readings and the use of a minimum of three peer-reviewed journal articles, that you will need to locate using the GCU Library. Use the PHI-105 Library Guide to help find peer-reviewed sources: https://libguides(dot)gcu(dot)edu/PHI-105
4) For this essay, you will begin by choosing a topic from the list provided in the “Persuasive Essay: Topic and Audience Worksheet.” If you would like to write about a topic that is not on the list, you may ask the instructor for permission.
5) Next, take a position on your topic by deciding if you are for or against the topic or agree or disagree with specific issues related to the topic. This would be considered the “writing prompt,” or what you will be responding to in your essay.
6) The goal of this essay is for you to persuade your audience to agree with your position. Your written essay should demonstrate critical thinking by adhering to the following principles which will be studied throughout the course:
a) Manage emotions and avoid fallacies.
b) Provide evidence to support your position.
c) Acknowledge other perspectives and evaluate assumptions about the topic.
d) Use facts and figures when appropriate.
7) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
8) This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
9) You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why Should Abortion be Legalized
Due Date
Why Should Abortion be Legalized
Abortion is one of the most contentious topics that continue to divide the world into two equally staunch groups. The topic of abortion introduces many instances that have people deeply engrossed in debates over the viability of abortions. For example, the topic of unwanted pregnancies happens to have people divided because of the contentious nature of the discussion. A pregnancy that results from rape, for example, will have people trying to establish the right way of handling the unborn. However, as all these discussions are happening, the most surprising aspect of these discussions is the fact that women are usually left out, and their opinions are never considered. The most dominant voices in the discussion of abortion happen to be men. Further, Dozier et al. (2020) note that women have also fallen victim to religious and moral influences that further limit their voice from ever being heard. However, even as more voices continue to propagate their dissent on abortion, it is crucial to note that criminalizing abortion leads to more harm than good. First, criminalizing abortion makes it unsafe instead of preventing it. Second, criminalizing abortion leads to an increased rate of preventable complications and deaths. Finally, abortion is a human right because every person has bodily autonomy. Therefore, below is an elucidation of the above statements with the aim of making a case on why abortion should be legalized.
Criminalizing any activity leads to an increase in the said activity albeit through underground or clandestine means. Berer (2017) echoes the above sentiments noting that the more restrictive a law is, the higher the likelihood it is being broken or defied. The worst or sad part of the above statement is that when the law is being defied, people consider other underground means or ways to actualize their desires. For women seeking to have abortions, the above means visiting people with no qualifications in healthcare. WHO (2020) reports that between 2010 and 2014, 45% of abortions globally were considered unsafe. The implication of the above is that the lives of millions globally are put at risk.
With unsafe abortions comes the aspects of preventable complications and deaths. According to WHO (2020), between “4.7% - 13.2% of maternal deaths can be attrib...
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