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Species That Existed In The Past Ice Age: Cave Bear

Essay Instructions:

In the "Mammals of the last ice age" VoiceThread I talked about a bunch of mammals that existed during the last ice age but are extinct today. Do some research on your own and find information about an animal that existed during the last ice age but is extinct today that I didn't already discuss. Create a post about that animal on this discussion forum. At a minimum, describe the animal (include a picture/diagram if possible), where it was found, and what it ate. Include a couple of interesting other facts about the animal. about the animal.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cave Bear
Student’s Name
Cave Bear
Cave Bear is a species that existed in the past ice age. Its scientific name is Ursus Spelaeus, and is reported to have become extinct about 24000 years ago. The name Cave Bear came to be because researchers found fossils of this animal in caves. It has been reported that the species lived in Asia and Europe. The animal was reported to have very large teeth and show greater wear than the contemporary bear species. This suggests that they relied on very tough materials to survive. Their diet is believed to have been different from what modern bears consume. They are also believed to have more herbivores but could also have included some animal protein in their diets.
Skeleton of a Juvenile Cave Bear
Most of these animals died while ...
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