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Causes of Substance Abuse Among Youth and Understanding Why People Use Drugs in Raves

Essay Instructions:

Analysis #10 - Due Dec. 7th
Ed 9 - Chapter 12, Heroin and Narcotics. Read the chapter and the Account of Sally. Answer four questions of your choice on page 362 in a word document and upload to this assignment site.
Read Chapter Ten and the Account of Sally. Answer four questions of your choice on page 194 in a word document and upload to this assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis #10
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Due date
Chapter 12
Why do you think a young woman such as Sally—intelligent, an “A” student in high school, a college undergraduate—would begin using a narcotic drug, eventually to the point of addiction?
Someone like Sally would begin using narcotics due to spending a lot of time with people that use drugs, pushing one to try out of curiosity and the need to fit in. Consequently, experimentation and having fun with the drugs slowly develops into an everyday habit that becomes difficult to stop with time, hence addiction. Another reason for someone like Sally using narcotics is to enjoy the drug’s extreme pleasure. Sally explained that when she used OxyContin, she felt good, energetic and despite constant nausea, the stimulation was massive, making her want and use it more.
Does it have to do with Sally’s specific and unique characteristics, her family background, the milieu she grew up in?
Sally’s family background influences her drug use. Her father was an alcoholic all her life, a situation that predisposed her to alcohol use. The social environment she engaged in also controlled her drug use. Sally surrounded herself with close friends and schoolmates who used and had access to various drugs, thus influencing her to experiment on them, eventually becoming dependent on them. Additionally, her continued stay in drug dens with drug dealers intensified her drug habit.
Do you believe that she is “cured,” that she has ultimately and finally “kicked” the drug habit?
Yes, Sally kicked the drug habit. Getting arrested and being treated like a criminal in jail was the rock bottom and wake-up call she needed to admit that she had a problem. Also, for fifteen months, she has been sober and has consistently engaged in recovery measures such as attending drug court, AA and NA meetings, and random drug tests. Also, getting a job in an industry where drug use is prominent and restraining herself shows her resolve to kick the habit. Repairing her relationship wi...
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