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Philosophy of Man: Unique Features of Humankind

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The Phylosophy of Man

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Philosophy of Man
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Philosophy of Man
Man is undoubtedly a unique being, with peculiar traits that distinguish the species from other organisms. The philosophical concept of man indicates that we are ethical with intellect. Ideally, philosophy provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the essence of human greatness, as expressed by their eternal virtues, wherein all persons of pure intent strive. It makes us question everything we encounter in our lives; they are the cornerstone of all knowledge and, when used appropriately, may give us enormous rewards. Arguably, man is a creature with particular abilities or traits such as rationality, conscience, awareness, or ego and being a member of a naturally formed type of social connections such as family, land ownership, or legal accountability (Cassirer et al., 2011). The essence of being a human falls into humanity's precise nature where we can think, rationalize, form decision paths, react, act, and later contemplate or evaluate our decisions. It is also nature that allows us to form lasting connections; to enjoy feelings such as love, anger, hatred, and remorse. Popular discourse has it that even other animals can show emotions that sentinel beings portray; however, the fact remains that humanity is more advanced, and the nature of being human places the species at a more remarkable vantage point. To better understand the nature of man, philosophy helps us analyze several unique features of humankind, such as man's existence, duties, ability to make changes, and destiny.
Man’s Existence
Examining man's existence investigates the origins of human life, the essence of human life, and the actuality of human beings. The yearning to understand one's own identity and what it means to be human is the philosophy of man. As a result, the Philosophy of man poses a critical inquiry about humankind and then progressively responds to the query. The examination is concerned with bringing significant problems to the table and working towards a solution to them. Existentialism places a strong emphasis on the existence of humankind and aspires to provide a 'fair' conception of man, rejecting either an underestimating or an extrapolation of the individual's character (Jaspers, 2010). The fundamental tenet of the existentialist is that man's existence comes before essence. It holds that a person's existence is the greatest truth; it is not a religious belief. To put it another way, man must exist first, then he sees the world, acknowledges it, and acts within it as an autonomous individual.
Only because man exists, his contemplation and acts are made possible: existence is the basic principle from which all other codes flow. Later, man establishes his nature and produces his core through his actions, thoughts, and beliefs, which means that he is and will be in the present moment and after that. As a result, man is like a blank piece of paper; instead of arriving in the universe as a completed product, as a prefabricated, or as an established individual, he defines himself during a lifetime. Human life is, in a way, the product of a lucky break or accidental array of events (Jaspers, 2010). Because there is no meaning or purpose to his existence other than what his freedom allows him to construct, he is forced to depend on his resources to survive. A scientist can draw a clear difference between the existing items and say that all objects that exist are composed of either matter or energy, depending on their scientific training. However, in the worldview of the average individual, existence encompasses both actual and fictitious items, as well as objects that conflict with one another.
Man's Duties
Duties, in this case, are moral commitments that must be fulfilled, and every human Every right carries with it the responsibility of fulfilling that right. In the instance of one person's right, other individuals are under a fundamental commitment to respect it. He, too, is under a moral imperative to exercise that suitable for the whole community's benefit. Having a responsibility to do something is similar to receiv...
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