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Effects of the Second World War Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay showing either the causes or effects of a given war or conflict.

Many arguments are based on cause and effect analysis. So is much social policy. Mastering this form of writing will allow you to write effective, persuasive papers and to advocate effectively for causes you support. You should be careful not to oversimplify cause or effect relationships.

Write a cause or effect essay on one of the following topics. Remember, as always, to expand or narrow your focus for the appropriate length assigned. Your essay should have a thesis, arguing the causes that led to a certain event/decision or the effects an event/decision will have in the future. Document your sources. This paper should be between 900 and 1000 words (about 4 typed pages double-spaced).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of the Second World War
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While it is essential to understand to maintain peace and stability within our environment and probably the country we are living in to enhance peaceful coexistence, there are as well other parties which are out to ruin this state of peace, which may either be national or international. Lack of peace and stability brings about many effects on the country as well as the global community. In light of this, the Second World War also referred to as World War 2 is a global war that happened across all parts of the world and involved most of the nations between 1939-1945 CITATION Ric02 \l 1033 (Maybury, 2002). The principal participators of the war included the axis powers on one side and to the other hand were the allies. The axis powers included Italy, German and Japan while the partners were the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union CITATION Ric02 \l 1033 (Maybury, 2002). The war was as a result of the constant disagreements, which resulted from World War 1 and were not settled. The high number of deaths recorded ranging between 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 - a figure almost twice of the World War I, which made it be the bloodiest conflict as well as the most significant war ever fought in history. Due to this incorporation of many countries in the war, numerous effects were ranging from national to global. Fundamentally, this essay paper focuses on the impact of the World War 2 in different states as well as the overall global effects.
One of the most significant impacts of World War 2 was the loss of lives. Over 25 million people died in the war as a result of diseases and hunger. Besides, over 6 million Jews lost their lives as a result of the Holocaust. Close to 24 million people were injured and others handicapped due to the dangerous atomic bombs by the US to Hiroshima and Nagasaki left the lives of many people in distress and also led to the destruction of the whole city CITATION Ric02 \l 1033 (Maybury, 2002). Additionally, a majority of the people were rendered vagrant. Many people were separated from their families, something which led to psychological torture. Due to this massive bloodshed, World War 2 was viewed as the biggest tragedy, which has ever happened in the world affecting almost every individual within the globe. Therefore, the massive killing of people led to other effects in different countries.
There was redrawing of the borders. Most Asian and European states were involved in this territorial division. The Soviet Union was the biggest beneficiary in the territorial enlargement, which captured some parts of Germany, Poland, and Japan among other independent countries to its regions. Germany was the most affected and was divided into four regions whereby France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States occupied each of these parts. Germany had set very harsh plans for the United States. They only became relieved after realizing that German revival of the industrial base was dependent on Europe revival. Thus, the division of borders led to geographical differences and hatred among some countries.
The World War 2 also led to the creation of the United Nations, an organization which targeted at upholding peace in the whole world. The newly formed union made laws governing every country to ensure that there was no eruption of another war. The organization, therefore, aimed at providing good interactions, understanding and administering fairness among member states in ...
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