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The Bonds Between Parents and Children

Essay Instructions:

Fences and “The Sins of the Father”

Wilson’s decision to make the conflict between father and son the central pivot of the play shows us how important he believes the bonds between children and their parents are. Cory doesn’t understand this dynamic – he continually insists that he doesn’t want to be like Troy. Yet, Rose sees his father in him. And by the end of the play, Cory is more like Troy than even he notices. For example, Cory’s dreams of sports and college are thrown aside and his singing about the dog Blue to Raynell on the porch is eerily reminiscent to what Troy did for Cory as a little boy. The “sins of the father” are passed down – notice Cory’s stubbornness about attending the funeral. He sounds just like his father.

The truth is no matter how hard we try to avoid becoming our parents, we always end up a reflection of who they are. So to the point: in focusing on our theme of Identity, in what ways are you like your parents? What traits have you inherited from them? What points of view? What political opinions? What philosophy of life?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Reflection
Author`s Name
University Name
Parents are a blessing of God, and they are the only people who do everything for their children and try to be selfless throughout their lives. The father goes out for a job and tries to earn a lot for his children, and the mother cooks the food, cleans the house, helps her kids in their studies and does the rest of things to facilitate them more and more. I consider myself lucky to have been given enough time to spend with my parents.
Before my marriage, I used to live with them in our native city (New York). When I completed my graduation and began doing a job as a teacher in a nearby school, my father told me that he has got a marriage proposal for me and wants me to consider it. Things went on smoothly, and I shifted here in Chicago along with my husband and in-laws.
Even today when I am happy in my life, I cannot forget the lessons my parents taught me and the traits I have inherited from them. For example, my father and mother have always devoted themselves to the family, forgetting the rest. They even left their siblings behind to raise my brother and me well. Just like my father, I had been doing my job as a teacher with honesty and sincerity.
I must admit that I have inherited this characteristic from him. I have always seen him working hard to earn a living and spending hours before the laptop in the night. I did the same when I grew up and completed my Bachelor’s with distinction. Instead of spending the whole day at home, doing nothing, I chose to do a job, even when it was not well-paying; I just wanted to gain some experience to be a professional and experienced teacher of tomorrow.
I allowed the school kids to visit my home for study purposes, as I have always seen my father helping his coworkers both in the office and at home. From my mother, I inherited the trait of being humble. Today, the way I manage things at home is admired by everyone, but no one knows my mother has been my inspiration in this regard.
Before my settlement to another city, she taught me how to cook, how to c...
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