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Case Study 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth

Essay Instructions:
Write a 3page paper in which you: 1.Identify the common roles in a human resource project. Then, analyze these roles to typical human resource functions. 2.Reorganize any two (2) roles at TriHealth that result in shared responsibilities and then state why you chose those two roles. 3.Suggest the short-term and long-term effects on the company with roles being shared among employees. 4.Analyze the need for an additional role. Then, propose a new role and its proposed impact. 5.Use at least four (4) resources in this assignment. Your assignment must: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing human resource projects. -Write clearly and concisely about managing human resource projects using proper writing mechanics.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth: CASE STUDY Name: Course title: Professor: Institution: Date Due: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth: CASE STUDY Taking an example at TriHealth, there is an executive sponsor at the helm of the project. This is supposed to ensure effective implementation of the project. The executive sponsor is not just expected to detract himself or herself from the project operations. The role of the sponsor is very important in the day-to-day running of the project. The project sponsor is responsible for among other roles in, designing the mission of the project, defining methodologies for decision-making process, vision of the project, and the expected outcome. In addition, he is also expected to prioritize the project activities, show a high sense of the commitment to the project, coordinate with the project leader in identifying the anticipated problems and barriers, finding strategies to overcoming them, encouraging the project leader, as well as empowering the leader in the overarching guide. Having explained the role of the project sponsor, I now come to that of the project leader. In essence, the project leader coordinates with the project sponsor in defining the project charter. Other roles include but not limited to; Offering support to the other team members with techniques in achieving positive results, identifying the barriers in the project and designing strategies to removing them, developing awareness, implementation, and communication plans for the project. Additionally, the project manager is also responsible in ensuring the progress of the project; therefore, he or she must be concerned in every aspect of the project. A core team member is also an important figure in the project management system. This employee contributes his or her decision with the other team members regarding the planning and implementation of the project programs, coordinating with other experts, and or stakeholders of the project. In addition, he or she assists in data collection and or reporting, and may complete other assignment as given out by the project leader. We cannot forget a subject matter expert who is also an important member in the management. The role of the subject matter expert includes but not limited to carrying out the assigned activities, taking part in presentations/demonstrations, and any other team meetings. In addition, this employee is also responsible for supplying the project’s requirement, as well as providing other team members with input or performing activities regarding his or her area of expertise. Roles Resulting Into Shared Responsibilities at TriHealth Among the roles resulting into shared responsibilities at TriHealth, include that of the subject matter expert and the core team member. Although the subject matter expert is not as a core team member of the project, he or she may be allocated other tasks similar to that of the core member. These shared responsibilities include participating in presentations, decision-making process as well as attending team meetings as required. In addition, they also carry out specific activities as assigned by the other executives, supplying the project requirement, and providing input to the team. Effects of Shared Roles  HYPERLINK "http://humanresources.about.com/bio/Susan-M-Heathfield-6016.htm" Heathfield, (2013) observes that among the powerful emotions that employees should come up with in work is motivation. She postula...
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