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Case Study 1: Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson

Essay Instructions:
Read the case titled: ¡§Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson¡¨ found in Chapter 2. Write a 3 page paper in which you: 1. Critique the prioritizing process at D. D. Williamson. 2. Suggest at least one (1) recommendation to improve the prioritizing process. 3. Create a scenario where the implemented process at D. D. Williamson would not work. 4. Project five (5) years ahead and speculate whether or not D. D. Williamson will be using the same process. Justify your answer. 5. Use at least four (4) resources in this assignment. Your assignment must: „h Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. „h Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student¡¦s name, the professor¡¦s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: „h Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources. „h Use technology and information resource
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Case Study 1: Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson Name: Institution: Course Title: Course Code: Instructor’s Name: Date Due: Case Study 1: Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson D.D. Williamson, a re-known business dealer in artificial colors, embarked on a mission to make his business profitable and grow within a five-year period. In this endeavor, he acknowledged the need to employ project a management strategy in realizing this mission. He ventured on a prioritization matrix process where he chose sixteen essential projects in his organization, which were approved by the senior management. In addition, he also selected less than five projects, which he envisioned has having a greater impact with regard to continuous improvement in the organization. He focused on channeling more resources and time in these projects. The prioritizing process that was initiated by D.D. Williamson seemed to be ineffective at first. Once he realized the inefficiency of this system and his involvement in its failure, he sat down and rethought on how to restructure the process so as to become more effective. Williamson and company articulate that, they took more than three years for their prioritizing project to materialize. This was basically realized after they took a different approach to the initiated process (Kloppenborg, Nkomo, Fottler, McAfee, 2012). Despite the fact that they took more than three years without realizing positive results, William and company were able to realize the errors they had made and rectify them. Their action in restructuring the prioritizing process was what influenced the positive results. This can be a lesion for us that not all projects may be successful upon conception, hence we should also be prepared for the negative aspect of the same projects. The important aspect is to analyze the problems and errors that may have caused the same. This will help us in designing better strategies, which will assist us in achieving positive results. Although D. D William and company project seemed to be headed to a downfall, they never lost hope in their endeavor. They did not allow their unsuccessfulness to discourage them from going on with their prospect. In encouraging his employees to go on with the same, Williamson showed a lot of faithfulness and honesty through out the course of the project. Additionally, he employed a continuous improvement manager who facilitated the entire project. These overwhelmed the workers and even coerced them into fully supporting the program. In my observation, D.D William portrayed a high degree of professionalism by bringing in additional employees on board to assist with the project implementation. This aspect made their prospects improve and positive results continued to be achieved in the ensuing years. The success rate was even poised to be sixty percent, a figure that was higher than previous amounts. Recommendation to improving the prioritizing process Before one decides to make strategies for process improvement, it is paramount to analyze the available opportunities and solutions to be undertaken. Additionally, the projec...
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