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Personal narrative essay

Essay Instructions:
this is a personal narrative essay, which means the context should be happened to me, u can decide the topic for it, BUT, PLEASE REMEMBERC i am an international student, don't write something that will ONLY happen to american,it might be trevaling, young puppy love, family relationship,,, so on. and also i am a FEMALE, so i hope the topic can catch the gender traits. besides that, i hope this essay include around 7 paragraphs,and hopefully it will be full 4 pages, it should include backgroud, event(s), climax, and resolusion(s),etc.. the messsage itself should be meaningful hopfully. most importantly, make sure it is totally different to others so that my instructor will not kick me out of the classIthank u, if it works i will glad to coorperate with u guys again!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal narrative essay Student: Professor: Course title: Date: My experiences with my elder sister “A family that prays together stays together” was a common phrase heard quite often during my childhood when I was eleven years old. My dad always encouraged us to pray and be thankful to God for everything we had. He always encouraged us to be responsible and well-behaved girls and often said, “Nothing in the world is as good as high moral character”. Our relatively small family included my parents, my eldest sister and I, the last born in the family. My sister and I were not only the closest members of the family, but also the best of friends during our childhood, and although she was one year older than I was, we did many naughty things together that even surprised ourselves. Sometimes we were stubborn and cheeky towards our parents but they never stopped to correct us whenever we were wrong. My sister and I not only played together with dolls and teddy bears, but also prepared luscious and tasty meals for the family together, did homework and celebrated our birthdays together. During my childhood, my sister and I often competed and fought over anything. We would sometimes compete just to gain favor from our parents, and my sister won in most instances because she was bigger and stronger than I was. My mum usually prepared delicious dinner for the family and would most often invite us to help her in cutting celery and carrots among other chores our small, dim kitchen. This greatly helped to improve our cooking experiences even though we were still youngsters. “One day you would be great cooks, just like me”, she often told us. During the weekends, however, she would often come home late from work and these were the times we were expected to prepare a simple dinner. My elder sister and I would sometimes disagree on who should was the dirty dishes, who should slice the celery and carrots or who should cook, since she believed she was a better cook than I was. In such instances, we would have a mutual agreement on who should do what in the kitchen and this was essential in reducing jealousy and friction between us. Even as youngsters, my sister and I often prepared mouth-watering and delectable meals, and these cooking experiences were very enjoying to us. Our dad always taught us about the need to cooperate and work together “selfishness cannot take you anywhere”, he advised us. We always looked forward to the next weekend when we would have another opportunity to prepare a meal for the family. My sister and I would most often help one another in doing our school homework assignments especially in the subjects of mathematics and English during our childhood. I was not very good in mathematics but I was excellent in English and scored very high grades in class. When it came to mathematics, no one could beat my sister in her class since this was her favorite subject in school, and she always scored high marks in math tests. On the other hand, she was not very good in languages particularly in English, a subject area that I was very proficient in, and always scored high grades. Our different academic skills often came in handy when we assisted each other in doing our homework assignments, in areas that either of us needed help in understanding the concepts. When we were reluctant to help one another, our dad would often insist that we help one another saying “you should learn to be each others’ best friends and work together, you are the only kids in this house”. With my sister’s help, I always scored the highest marks in my mathematics assignments. I would, in turn, return the favor by helping her in English homework assignments, which she would score high grades. Our mum even said to me smiling “I see a great lawyer and an engineer in my daughters” implying that due to my proficiency in English, I would become a lawyer and my sister would be an engineer. I smiled back and thought to myself ...
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