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Organizations and Stakeholders

Essay Instructions:
Assume the perspective of a stakeholder or of someone managing stakeholders. 5.Write a paper that includes this information: The name of the organization and pertinent background information about it. Any additional conclusions you can draw from your answers. 1. Does your organization continually seek to identify project stakeholders? In what ways? 2. How does your organization manage the interrelationships among project stakeholders? Do any written policies exist that assist in the management of stakeholders? 3. In what ways does your organization seek to manage intervenors? 4. What stakeholder impacts are typical in your organization? 5. Describe a recent project in your organization that was successful in the management of stakeholders. What led to this success? 6. Describe your organizational philosophy and attitudes toward the PSM process. 7. Are there any formal ways that the project managers in your organization accept responsibility for the PSM process? 8. In what ways do project managers go beyond identification in assessing stakeholder impact? 9. What sources are used or can be used to gather information on the project stakeholders? 10. Do project managers attempt to predict stakeholder behavior? In what ways? 11. Are the project stakeholder issues addressed in project audits? What questions are asked or can be asked to help the project team identify and control strategic issues? 12. What proactive measures are taken to ensure continual management of stakeholders? How can the top managers of your organization support the PSM process?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizations and Stakeholders
Stakeholders, which could be persons, groups or organizations, have certain interest in a given firm (Zenith, 2012). Stakeholders in a company are not usually equal. This is often determined by the level of interest or investment. An organization’s objectives, policies or activities can affect stakeholders in various ways. For example, an organization’s management style shapes the overall outlook of the firm and its stakeholder behavior. This paper analyzes the organizational form of Safaricom and how it affects stakeholders.
Safaricom is a telecommunication company based in Kenya that is partly owned by Vodafone. Its main services include provision of mobile phone services. The major ones include voice call services, short message services, data and internet services, and M-PESA (Electronic money transfer through the phone). Safaricom has a reputable executive team that oversees the overall organization and performance of the firm. The chief executive officer, whose term runs for a period of ten years, is chosen by a committee instituted by all the major stakeholders (Toili, 2010). Safaricom has heads of departments who oversee the running of various departments in the company. All heads of department report directly to the CEO. The CEO on the other hand reports directly to the stakeholders and board members of the Safaricom Foundation. Safaricom’s organization has enabled the company to realize great financial returns to the delight of its stakeholders. The company is regarded as the most successful firm in the telecommunications industry in Eastern, Southern and Central Africa.
Safaricom’s success is attributed to its strategic goal of identifying project stakeholders. This is achieved through partnership with potential stakeholders especially in the banking and telecommunication sector both locally and internationally. Safaricom has a well established project management department that oversees the functions and operations of all projects. This department also seeks to address the concerns of all...
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