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Critically summarize various chapters on communication context

Essay Instructions:
I will attach three articals that need to be summarized. General Assignment Based on the chapters in the textbook, select a communication context (interpersonal, group, team, the workplace or another organization) or communication theory (dialectics, communication privacy management etc.) you are interested in. You will write a paper that touches on the following information  Explain why you selected this context or theory and why this context represents an important area in which to study/learn about communication and/or why this theory is important to the study of communication.  Explain what Communication scholars have learned about your topic that could be relevant to your own experiences (give examples).  Discuss what you learned about communication from your research and how this will this be useful in your life, career etc. in the future Additional Requirements  2 page paper (double spaced).  three sources (minimum) cited scholarly journals within the text of your paper (the textbook does not count as one of your 3 sources, but can be cited and used in the paper).  12 point font  1 inch margins  Source citation along with a bibliography in APA format The paper will be graded on content, organization, and writing. Please include an introduction, clearly organized and supported paragraphs in the body of the paper (please use topic sentences), a conclusion.
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The aim of this paper is to critically summarize various chapters on communication context by looking at its significance and how it affects my life and career in future. The selected communication context is interpersonal communication, which describes how communication participants depend on one another. I have selected this context because it is of great functions in communication. Whenever individuals are communicating, there is need to gain a wide range of information either verbally or non-verbally to ensure effective communication, and this can be achieved through interpersonal communication, which is very helpful in exploring various functions of communication in social as well as personal relationships. In addition, interpersonal communication is very important in the field of communication as it helps individuals to understand how and why individuals behave and communicate in different ways when constructing and negotiating a particular social reality.
According to Virtanen and Isotalus (2011), interpersonal communication is very important in offering social support which aims at offering a healing as well as unifying expressions amongst human beings. For instance, interpersonal communication plays a bigger role in offering social support that plays a very important role in offering emotional healing, workplace satisfaction, and enhancing academic success as well as ensuring quality relationships amongst us. Through interpersonal communication, individuals are in a position of creating communicative relationship messages which have the ability of generating shared meaning, as well as accomplishing social goals.
Moreover, there exist a link between interpersonal communication and human health. In their arguments, Ackerson and Viswanath (2009) states that interpersonal communication plays a very important role in establishing and maintaining formal as well as informal relationships. This is based on the fact that, the relationship amongst patients, between patients and the health...
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