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Business Writing Portfolio

Essay Instructions:
Business Writing Portfolio - Suppose you are part of the following scenario: - You are a public relations manager who must present information regarding changes in retail store operations to three sets of stakeholders of a retail clothing chain. The stakeholders are store managers, employees, retail customers, and the public. You must explain adjustments that allow employees to come to work on fewer days a week in an effort to combat rising gas prices and save money on store operations. - Stores will close on Sundays. On Monday through Saturday, stores will open an hour later and close an hour earlier. Full-time employees, including managers, will work four 10-hour days a week. Part-time employees will consolidate their hours in 1-, 2-, or 3-day workweeks, depending on how many hours they are scheduled to work. No stores are closing, but no new stores are opening. - While constructing your messages, determine the characteristics of your audience and consider the appropriate communication type and style for each audience. - Complete Part I: Business Writing Steps. Outline the steps you must take in drafting the three business communications. This document can take the form of a list, a flowchart, or a Web diagram. - Complete Part II: Portfolio. Write three messages by selecting one message format for each audience. Explain the changes in the retail store operations. The three messages contain potentially negative information; address the information presented in the scenario so your audience might perceive it in a positive way. Audiences Message Formats Store managers A business letter Store employees A business memo Retail customers and the public An e-mail message - Complete Part III: Reflection. Write a 200- to 300-word reflection on your writing, and compare and contrast the business writings in this assignment with academic papers you have completed. - Notes - You are writing 3 different business messages; however, you will submit a single MS Word document (post a single file). Separate your three messages by using headers. - APA requirements: Standard APA requirements do apply (i.e. cover page, line spacing, margins, etc.). Since the messages are a direct communique with managers, employees and/or customers, you will not cite and quote sources in the messages. However, the requirement to use two peer-reviewed sources of information must be met in your reflection (Part III). - Your goal in the messages is to effectively share your intended message. Use the number of words required for each message to meet that goal.
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(08, September, 2010)
Business Writing Portfolio
Part I
Steps in drafting the business letters in form of a list
A business letter is a formal way of communication (Freeman & Locker, 1997). This will normally require a certain format which helps in making it look more official. In drafting a business letter the following points should be considered;
The information within the letter should be precise and accurate
The wordings should be clear and concise.
Focus on the target audience as the way to communicate a message is always different for different audiences.
The recommended paper for business letters is white A4- size.
There are several layouts that one can choose from, fully-blocked, semi-blocked and blocked.
The date should be included and without shortening the months
The name of the addressee should be correctly spelt and used in the salutation if it is known. If the gender is not known the use of ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ can be used, though it is only recommended if one cannot find out the name of the addressee.
The correct title should be used. For female addressee, ‘Ms’ should be used unless it is indicated otherwise.
If there are copies to someone else, the use of cc is required.
Part II
Business Letter to the Managers
Public Relations Manager
September 8, 2010
All the Store Managers
Changes in Our Retail Stores
Dear all,
Due to the rising gas prices that we have experienced in the recent past, the senior management formed a committee that was to come up with ways of coping with the prices. The committee came up with a few strategies. These strategies are highlighted below. Your assistance as the stores manager will be required in the implementation. The management recognizes that you have an important role to play in implementation of these strategies and your full cooperation is required and will be highly appreciated. Although the store employees will be formally notified of these changes, it is your duty to ensure that the staff members understand their individual roles in the implementation of these new changes.
The committee thought it wise to retain all the existing stores, but without plans to open any new ones in the near future. The new changes will mainly affect the number of working hours in a day. All the stores will be closed down on Sundays. In addition to this the working hours for all the business stores will be adjusted such that the stores will open an hour later than usual and closed an hour earlier. This means there will be fewer working hours. Following is a breakdown of how these new changes will be effected in your work schedules.
All the managers and all full-time employees will be required to work 10 hour days a week. The part-time workers working hours will be consolidated in 1-, 2-, or 3-day workweeks, depending on how many hours they are scheduled to work. The managers will organize the schedule for the part-time workers working under them.
Please understand that the success of these new changes will highly depend on your cooperation in implementing and the way you handle the issue with your subordinates.
Thank you for your support and cooperation
Yours sincerely,
Public Relations Manager
From :
Name :
Public Relationship manager,
September 8, 2010
All Store Employees
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