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Marketing SLP04 (CSC)

Essay Instructions:
THE COMPANY IS COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION (CSC) In SLP04 you will analyze Promotion by the organization you chose for your Session Long Project. As indicated in your Module 4 readings, promotion encompasses 1. Advertising, 2. Personal Selling, 3. Sales Promotion, 4. Publicity, and 5. Public Relations Be sure to bring in illustrative materials to demonstrate your understanding of the marketing principles your company is following. 16) Recalling that promotion includes: Advertising, Personal Selling, Publicity, and Sales Promotion, describe the PROMOTIONAL MIX of your chosen organization. 17) Analyze the promotion of your chosen organization relative to your products and markets as if you were making a report to management. Be as specific as possible and be sure to draw on Module 4 background materials in describing the INTEGRATION of the MARKETING MIX. 18) Briefly (1-4 paragraphs), explain if and/or how your organization has COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE in PROMOTION? If it does not have competitive advantage in promotions, explain why it doesn't have that advantage. Revise the SLP03 sections of your SLP, Add your SLP04 sections to your SLP, and Submit your combined (excluding title page) 2-3 page SLP1, 2-3 page SLP2, 2-3 page SLP3, and 2-3 page SLP4 as one paper to Coursenet. Expectations Reminder: The Session-Long Project (SLP) assignments are designed to apply the information from the Module materials to an organization that you are analyzing throughout this session. Please remember: All SLP discussions about competitive advantage must be specific; that is, directed toward each competitor. A simplistic example is that Burger King may have competitive advantage over KFC in terms of advertising, but it does not have competitive advantage over McDonald's. Of course, you would elaborate more and explain why your organization does or does not have competitive advantage in promotion relative to each particular competitor. In addressing the questions, at a minimum use PROMOTION STRATEGY as your heading and use the CAPITALIZED and BOLD words in the sections as subheadings. Please answer these SLP04 questions by adding two to three pages to your revised paper that combines SLPs 01, 02, and 03 and submit it for grading by the end of this module. You will only be graded on the information added to this ever growing paper. Note that this assignment does NOT require you to prepare a detailed essay. Instead use section headings for each of the topics you address in your paper followed by a discussion of that topic. In addressing the questions, use the CAPITALIZED and BOLD words in the sections above as headings. Note that you are only graded on the information added to this ever growing paper. Here is the format that should be used for your SLPs. Note that each of the centered sections listed in this outline for SLP1-5 of your paper correspond to the modules in which you are to address the outlined aspects of your paper. PROMOTION STRATEGY (centered, bold, all caps) PROMOTIONAL MIX INTEGRATION OF THE MARKETING MIX COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN PROMOTION
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Promotion is the coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to sell goods and services or to promote an idea. Every organization needs a promotion strategy in order to sell its products or service CSC is no exception. The Company has effectively used Promotion as an essential tool in its Marketing campaign. This has enabled it to market its products and services effectively. The Company has used promotional mix as follows: (Crisp 2007).
Advertising is communicating ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy your product or services. The core objective of adverting is to increase the sales and profit margin of a company hence leading to its expansion. The company has been able to use different media sources available to advertise its products.
Personal selling
Personal selling occurs when a salesperson sells a product or service to the client or customer giving him a clear picture of its benefits to the client. It helps the client to get full and comprehensive information on the he is selling. Though the salespersons in the company all the information about the products and services offered is given to the clients effectively leading to increased sales.
Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage public’s perception on a certain product or service a company is offering. Its objective is to attract public attention hence leading to increased sales and profits for the company. Through the media and publications by the company the CSC’s perception has been the best in the market.
Public relation
Public relation is a form of communication primarily directed towards gaining public understanding and acceptance to create and maintain its public image and identity. This leads to improved sales and profits of the company since its products and services have publicly acceptable and recognized. The frequent advertisement has increased the public’s acceptance to the company.
Sales promotion
Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy a product or service with the aim of creating promotional marketing solutions that works including trade promotions and sales incentives. The company has increased its sales and hence making higher profits. MARKETING MIX The marketing mix is the combination of four marketing elements which include: Product, Price, Promot...
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