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Promotional mix AND the advertising mix for Anheiser Busch

Essay Instructions:
Questions/Tasks - Write a paper in which you respond to the following: What should be the promotional mix AND the advertising mix for Anheiser Busch? The Situation NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Anheuser-Busch has, in recent years, walked away from a $20 million deal to be Nascar's official beer because it said the money was better spent online; surrendered exclusive beer-sponsor rights with many major sports properties; and sold itself to one of the corporate world's most notorious cost-cutters. Many observers concluded that the brewer's days of shelling out huge sums to lock opponents out of key sports deals were coming to a close. Those observers, it turns out, were wrong. Submit your 3 page paper. Expectations In answering the question make reasonable assumptions, (clearly you won't have the same information available to you as the actual manager, e.g. about competitors, but make some assumptions and follow through in your analysis). You should also bear in mind that a fundamental goal, as with all the cases you build in MKT501, is to stimulate your learning. Your answers should therefore aim to demonstrate that learning. In preparing your CASE4, ensure that you demonstrate your learning of the marketing concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined in the modular learning objectives by using and referencing the background and case material. 1. Identify factors that influence the promotional mix of a product/service. 2. Evaluate the promotional strategy for a brand. In particular, in answering the question, ensure that you demonstrate your understanding of promotion and factors affecting promotion success, as well as your learning from previous modules. In CASE4, as stated in the background readings, since the promotion mix (among other activities) includes advertising, personal selling, and sale promotion AND the advertising mix includes print media, TV, radio, new foms of communication; your job is to prepare two budgets: one for promotion and one for advertising. In those budgets, you need to tell your instructor what the overall budgeted promotion and advertising dollars should be, what percent of sales those amounts should be, and the percentages that should be allocated for each of the promotion and advertising activities you choose. Note the complicating factor in your budgeting is the multitude of brands sold by Anheiser Busch. Defend your positions on any and all of the issues you tackle. Note that this assignment does NOT require you to prepare a detailed essay. Instead use section headings for each of the topics you address in your paper followed by a discussion of that topic. Case-related articles in the popular press Mullman, Jeremy (2010, May 10). A-B's Return to NFL Signals Bet on Big-Event Sponsorships. With MLB, PGA, NBA Deals, Brewer Blankets Sports-Marketing Playing Field. Advertising Age. Crain Communications. Available on 10 May 2010 at http://adage(dot)com/article?article_id=143774
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Marketing concept is the idea where a producer looks at what the customer wants most and then producing that particular or service to satisfy that want. It involves Three activities: Production concept which a firm asks itself it can produce a product and also if it can produce enough of it, The sales concept in which a firm asks itself if it can sell the product produced and also if it can charge enough for it and the marketing concept in which a firm asks if it can determine what the customers want, if it can be developed while it is needed by the customer and how the customer can be kept satisfied (Etihad, 2010).
Framework for marketing involves the chain of activities which take place when a transaction takes place between a buyer and a seller and involves transfer of ownership, storage, packaging and processing, financing, taking risks, sorting and presenting to consumers. It also involves marketing efficiency which involves basic conditions like infrastructure, legal environment and available technology. It also entails performance which involves productive and allocative efficiency. Productive efficiency is established on the ratio of physical input to output while allocative efficiency is measured on the basis of productive efficiency. In this article, we try to find the promotional and advertising means that should be adopted by the Anheisser Busch to promote the sale of its brand of beer. Since the Company preferred online means as its best method of promoting its sales, we try to analyze how they can use this technique to promote their sales and withstand the competition from other beer producers. The discussion is divided into two sections
a) Factors that affect promotional mix of a product or service: The factors listed below are without doubt applicable methods by the Anheiser Busch Company to maintain their sales of the brand of beer.
Promotion budget available
The promotional budget of a company can determine whether the form of promotion they apply will be beneficial to them or not. If the budget caters for promotional activities adequately, then the company’s products can reach a wide range of customers.
The stage of a product life cycle
This implies that the company should determine the stage of their product which they can promote. This should rely on the stage which is attractive to customers.
Nature of market situation
His implies that if the market conditions with respect to the product are favorable, then the product should be promoted more. However, if the market situation is unfavourable, the product should be kept until the market situation is favorable for the product demand (Anon, 1979).
Target of the promotion
If the target of the promotion is to achieve short term goal like getting rid of stock, then the product in question should be promoted more than other products. However, if the sale of the product is aimed at achieving along time goal, then other products should be promoted more.
Nature of the product
If the product is the most popular in the company and brings a lot of income to the company, then it should be promoted more than other products. Howeve...
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