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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Brochure: A Proposed Approach to Making Career Choices

Essay Instructions:

Please i want power point.
I also want a background in my brochure like the picture i attached
Lecturer instruction is below
You must use ONE source to support your instructions and cite the source(s). See #4, below.
You must include at least TWO images in your brochure to support your instructions. however, if you use images from sources, you must cite the source(s). 
Remember to write your process IN YOUR OWN WORDS and do not plagiarize.
1) Outline your brochure using the provided template (please type). Write your outline in COMPLETE
SENTENCES. The sentence outline is REQUIRED and will be turned in.
2) To format the brochure, use a brochure template in MS Word (go to FILE then NEW and choose brochure template). 
3) Fully develop your topic, giving clear step-by-step directions that your audience could easily follow to accomplish the task you describe. (example: what supplies are needed?)
4) Don't leave out any steps by assuming your reader knows as much as you do! You're the expert!
5) CITE YOUR SOURCES for outside sources you consult for information on your topic and for images that you use from the web or other sources. To do this include a section entitled REFERENCES.
You must use ONE source to support your instructions and cite the source(s). See #4, below.
You must include at least TWO images in your brochure to support your instructions. The images may be your own pictures; however, if you use images from sources, you must cite the source(s). 
Once you choose your topic, follow these steps:
Remember to write your process IN YOUR OWN WORDS and do not plagiarize.
1) Outline your brochure using the provided template (please type). Write your outline in COMPLETE
SENTENCES. The sentence outline is REQUIRED and will be turned in.
2) To format the brochure, use a brochure template in MS Word (go to FILE then NEW and choose brochure template). 
3) Fully develop your topic, giving clear step-by-step directions that your audience could easily follow to accomplish the task you describe. (example: what supplies are needed?)
4) Don't leave out any steps by assuming your reader knows as much as you do! You're the expert!
5) CITE YOUR SOURCES for outside sources you consult for information on your topic and for images that you use from the web or other sources. To do this include a section entitled REFERENCES.
You must use ONE source to support your instructions and cite the source(s). See #4, below.
You must include at least TWO images in your brochure to support your instructions. The images may be your own pictures; however, if you use images from sources, you must cite the source(s). 
Once you choose your topic, follow these steps:
Remember to write your process IN YOUR OWN WORDS and do not plagiarize.
1) Outline your brochure using the provided template (please type). Write your outline in COMPLETE
SENTENCES. The sentence outline is REQUIRED and will be turned in.
2) To format the brochure, use a brochure template in MS Word (go to FILE then NEW and choose brochure template). 
3) Fully develop your topic, giving clear step-by-step directions that your audience could easily follow to accomplish the task you describe. (example: what supplies are needed?)
4) Don't leave out any steps by assuming your reader knows as much as you do! You're the expert!
5) CITE YOUR SOURCES for outside sources you consult for information on your topic and for images that you use from the web or other sources. To do this include a section entitled REFERENCES.
Grading Rubric for Process Analysis Brochure
(items circled means this requirement was not effectively met)
OUTLINE _____/25 points
Formatted correctly
Outline completed in sentences
Free of typos and misspellings

Appealing format
Provided preparation steps (equipment, materials, safety)
Explained process in logical steps
Illustrations included
Free of typos and misspellings
Sentences are clear (no comma splices, run ons)
References listed
Presentation – skillfully explained brochure and concept

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Making Career Choices
This is a proposed approach to making career choices
 Assesing abilities
It is important to evaluate one’s tastes and passion, since it is important to choose careers that match the tastes
One of the first things is to write the skills that are required for the desired career.
The next step is to link the skills with the careers, and how they are also related to each other.
Matching the skills with the careers is necessary since jobs have different growth prospects.
Getting Informed
After identifying the career choice, abilities and interests, one then research different aspects of the chosen career.
Where possible, getting acquainted with professionals, and visiting workplaces necessary.
Making personal decisions
One then has to make decisions by weighing the benefits, and challenges...
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