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Book and Film Review Gerontology Nursing. Health & Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:


please chose from the following books On Pluto, can we talk, Being mortal, Before I forget,Still Alice, having our say, to dance with the white, at the end of the day, winters grace, to dance with, the note book, lost, happiness is a choice, Tuesday with morrie, being moral. you can also chose you own book on the elderly and it has to be approve my my professor so please let me know as soon as possible so i can get it approved. please follow the attached guideline to review the book. thank you.

Critical Book /Film Review Guidelines and Rubric  ( 20 % final grade)  posted in D2L


Critical Book and Film Review    N 333        Course outcomes:  1,2,4,5,7,9,10

A critical review of author’s work is an objective critique of how the author portrays the purpose and themes of his/her work.  It is more than a book and film report.  It requires the writer to evaluate the quality of the work and provide a substantiated opinion or judgement of content and purpose of the work.  Read the guidelines below and select one book and one film (not same title as book) from the popular literature and media on aging…….both can address a specific problem on aging, or aging wellness or societies changing views on aging or aging trends.  See the book /film list in D2L for ideas,   Students are expected to vary their choices and confirm with faculty.

Guidelines and questions to address in critique:   (this serves as an outline and grading rubric for your work , note percentages apportioned for each section)   Integrate your responses on book and film with each section.

  1. Introduction: Purpose/topic  (5%)
  • Identify main topics and overall purpose of film /book  (each time you reference book/film, author or producer/director, an in-text citation is required throughout your paper)
  • Intended audience for each
  • Reasons for choosing both works (state and explain your reasons)   

2. Themes and examples  (20%)

  • Central themes identified for each work
  • How did producers /authors achieve their purpose of work using the portrayed themes ?
  • Examples provided that support how producer (P)/author (A) achieved purpose 

3. Compare/contrast with literature and experience (20%)

  • Compare/contrast authors and producers work and  content w/ideas expressed in scholarly works (professional journals, texts on aging, peer-reviewed journals)
  • How does the work relate to your understanding content  and w/current trends of aging in this society
  • 3 current references required (you may use an authentic aging website as one reference)
  • How does vicarious experience from book/film compare w/actual experience you have spent w/ older adults personally or professionally?

4. Aging theories  (15%)

  • Demonstrate understanding of sociocultural and psychological aging theories and apply 2 of these theories to A & P themes/purpose of works
  • References required

5. Application to health care (10%)

  • Discuss ways (3-4) in which a nurse/healthcare worker  might incorporate information and perspectives learned into current practice

6. Summary/evaluation   (20%)

  • Brief summary of your paper
  • Identify strengths of each work
  • What contributions to society’s perspectives on aging do the book/film make?
  • What did YOU learn?
  • Would you recommend the book/film to others?
  • If you had the opportunity to meet the author or producer, what would you like to ask or say to him/her?
  • Brief ending statement

7. APA      (10 %)

  • Title page
  • In-text citations: paraphrasing or quotations
  • Reference page
  • 12 point font
  • Times New Roman type face
  • 1 in margins, double spaced
  • 8-9 page limit
  • HEADINGS provided for EACH section
  • Writing style: punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, spelling
    • Original workA note about APA format:   should be appropriate, and correct style, with proper citations for BOTH paraphrased and quoted citations.   Be certain for each, to give credit to authors and their words and ideas.  Be mindful of rules pertaining to Plagarism and college Academic Honesty Policy.



Book list:

  1. Aging Without Apology, Robert E. Seymour
  2. Still Alice, Lisa Genova
  3. Being Mortal, Atul Gawande
  4. Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant? Roz Chast
  5. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra
  6. Having Our Say, Sarah and Elizabeth Delany
  7. To Dance With the White Dog, Terry Kay
  8. On Pluto, Inside the mind of Alzheimer’s, Greg O’Brien
  9. Before I Forget, Love, Hope, Help, and Acceptance in Our Fight Against Alzheimer’s, B. Smith & D. Gasby

10. The Alzheimer’s Project, John Hoffman and Susan Froemke

11. The 36 hour Day, Nancy Mace and Peter Rabins

12. At the End of the Day, Ruby Abrahams

13. The Longevity Revolution: the Benefits and Challenges of Living a Long Life, Robert N Butler

14. The Gift of Years, Joan Chittister

15. Winter Grace: Spirituality and Aging, Kathleen Fischer



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Book and Film Review
Gerontology Nursing
Professor Ploutz
The review focuses on the book Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? by Roz Chast, and the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by David Fincher. Roz uses the book as a platform to explore the issue of her parents aging (Chast, 2014). The author and illustrator uses the comic to explore the experiences of losing senior parents. Roz narrates the feelings involved in dealing with the resulting emotions, and mentions use of distraction, avoidance and denial. The strategies only worked for a while before the author had to address the issue. Part of the strife included mixed emotions, which resulted from the nature of the relationship between the parents and the author. Her father suffered from anxiety, and managed to live with dementia and achieve stability through heavy reliance on his wife. Her relationship with her mother experienced great strain because the mother was overbearing. The story revolves around the steps the author undertook to get through the challenges she describes. On the other hand, David explores the issues of old age in reverse (Fincher, 2008). The story revolves around a man who bears an abnormal child. The child, Benjamin, is abnormal because the child is 70 years old at birth. The parents of Benjamin are affluent and of high social standing in the society so two are ashamed of the boy and try to coerce the old man to behave like an infant. Benjamin seems to get around life well and as time progresses, the man begins to grow younger instead of growing older. The sequence of progression from adulthood to childhood provides insight into the challenges people face due to age progression. Fincher illustrates that the challenges people face while progressing into old age are the same if the person grew from old age into non-existence. I chose the two literary works because observations are similar at both points of old age and young age because individuals are helpless and require the same kind of care. The target audience for the two works is people who are dealing with changes associated with old age.
Themes and Examples
The author and producer explore themes that are similar or have related concepts. In the book, Chast first explores the matter of grown up children assuming the responsibility of parenting their elderly parents (Chast, 2014). Children have to accept the duties of looking after their parents, and process the intricate details involved in the impact of the death of the parents. The responsibility includes bearing the burden of dealing with deterioration of mental and physical health, and maintenance of a relationship that may have not existed before the time of need. The next theme Roz discusses is the reality of moving her unstable elderly parents into a home for the old (Chast, 2014). Old age and physical incapacitation hinders the couple from taking care of themselves properly. The couple had refused to deal with the prospect of growing old and dealing with infirmities. The two only expressed concern over their wellness upon the occurrence of medical emergencies and accidents. The circumstances force the author to take charge. The third theme Chast focuses on is entrusting the well-being of elderly parents to strangers for the provision of personal care (Chast, 2014). Roz was concerned with the conditions of the homes. She observed that sometimes the cleaners refuse to or cannot maintain the cleaning routine. The homes end up hoarding an accumulation of grease, dust, and dirt. The author expressed that she would rather not have had her parents there. She was worried her parents would lack funds for sustenance. The illustrator experienced jealousy when her mother formed a deeper attachment to one of the aides at the health home, which resonated with the resentment Roz had felt since almost forty years back.
Fincher explores several themes that tie into the themes Chast discusses. First, the producer explores the issue of life, existence and consciousness (Fincher, 2008). The theme deals with matters of the effect of age, the value individuals obtain from experience, and how the knowledge of looming death shapes the way people live life. Observation of the themes is through the experiences of Benjamin, who faces stigmatization and discrimination from the society but still manages to find acceptance and fulfillment despite his condition. The major challenge Benjamin faced on conformation to societal standards had basis on the fact that the society sought to maintain the strong sense of order the unit believed in. each individual would struggle to maintain the standards even through the use of absurd methods. Another theme Fincher explores is transformation (Fincher, 2008). The producer communicates that changes in physicality cause changes in personality. Such transformation enables self-discovery. The target audience would understand the differences in individuals that arise from age, and how to address the impact of the differences. How people handle the changes becomes a hallmark of character. The final theme is about family (Fincher, 2008). Fincher illustrates that even though families are supposed to be a source of constant support, family may be unable to provide the unconditional kind of love individuals desire. Benjamin received love from his parents only to the extent of his normality. The same happened with his wife and son. The three groups were unable to accept him as he was because of his abnormality. The factor does not hinder the family from looking out for his needs due to a sense of obligation. The overall theme that both authors discuss is about the implications of challenges that arise from seasonal changes in life progression. The literary artists show that families will help cater to our needs despite challenges that the family will face.
Comparison and Contrast of Literature with Scholarly Works
The concerns the author and producer raise concur with observations about care of the senior community in the medical world. Observations about the population point out the characteristic involved in the care of the senior community (Yang et al., 2017). The elderly population is higher than the population in the work force. The government separates the resources of care and medical care for seniors. The move causes strain to the access of quality health care services and resources for care. There is no guarantee for achievement of healthy aging goals. The result is that senior citizens suffer from long periods of chronic illnesses and complications, difficulty in treatment and reception of extended periods ...
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