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I am a Person made of words Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

My name is Bingwen Huang, I am a Chinese and I'm also a Christian.

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I am a Person Made of Words
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We are a people made up of words whose regular pattern of unique sounds can be written and spoken, and to some extent mimicked. This pattern shapes our nature and nurture. When we put correlation into play, we are both figuratively and literary made up of words. Vivid description allows us to view our bodies as a house of cards; well organized from the very root of single cell existence to the more diverse multiplication of cells producing unique and varied bodies made up of countless, well-organized patterns of DNA. This pattern, just like the game of cards, determines the strong from the weak, the resilient from the faint-hearted, and the brave from the meek. On a practical point of view, our behaviors are shaped by the feedback we receive from our caregivers. Words are used in passing this information and getting feedback. Therefore, our internal and external makeup is like a jigsaw fit made up of smaller sections that join to make a whole.
Genetically, I am Chinese. Both my mother and father hail from the village of Xingchen. On my natural conscience lies the Mandarin language. Wherever I go, am told that writing Mandarin is difficult and complicated. However, to me, Mandarin is not rocket science. In fact, it is the simplest thing I could ever learn. As an infant, due to cultural dictate, it was expected of my parents to give little or no praise. Positive reinforcement was viewed as a source of bad luck. To its place, jibes and backward compliments were prioritized. Out of this, most of what I received was negative feedback. To this moment, I would say it affected me. I have since developed little regard for praises, whether channeled to me or to someone else. Here in the United States, I find it hilarious when I see my friends thrilled with praises. However that may be, I cannot blame them. This is particularly because the words that were communicated to me in infancy shaped me to who I am today.
Born and raised in a Christian family, I first got inclined closer to God after being plastered a Christian name by the priest during baptism. At the time, I never had a say on the subject. Neither did I know the essence of it. However, with the long match of time, I’ve come t...
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