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Challenge Of Nuclear Power Generation

Essay Instructions:

Reference should be related to the essay topic!

Write a two section, 5-page (3 page Literature Review and 2 page Discussion) to answer your first sub research question, double spaced, small paper using the APA standard in MS Word. The 3-page review section presents the findings of at least three research papers or studies using the past tense and "They said" template, and the 2-page discussion section critically analyzes the findings reflecting your evaluation and assessment of the importance, value, and implication of the findings. Make sure that you present and discuss in this small paper around three major challenges of your renewable energy technology identified by at least five (5) studies/articles/videos.

A 3-page Literature Review section, using the following APA "They said" style:

Jones (2011) elaborated the relevance of APA style by enumerating various disciplines in which APA style has become indispensable. For example, the author found that APA style is widely used, either entirely or with modifications, by hundreds of scientific journals (including medical and other public health journals), in many textbooks, and in academia (for papers written in classes). Along with AMA Style and CSE Style, APA is one of the major styles for such work.

A 2-page Discussion section, using the following APA "I say" style:

The APA style findings by Jones (2011) are important for both scholars who publish their research findings and college students who make effort to improve their writing skills because by using the proper citing and referencing of the information they use for their papers, they can not only avoid the risk of plagiarism, but also substantiate their arguments and make their paper more persuasive and powerful.

A References section, on a separate page at the end of the paper, using the following APA style, hanging indent, alphabetically sorted

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Challenge of Nuclear Energy Generation
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The Challenge of Nuclear Power Generation
Literature Review
There has been a surge in demand for global energy with more energy used in the industrialized world. Even in developing countries, millions of people are working to pull themselves out of poverty while the world population continues to rise. For this reason, the debate on efficient energy use going into the future has been on the rise. Most countries have turned their focus and attention to the generation of nuclear energy as the solution to a future of reduced carbon emissions. While most people have argued that nuclear energy is the future, Pearce (2012) noted that there are many sustainability issues when it comes to nuclear energy generation. The author noted that there is a common misperception about nuclear energy not producing carbon dioxide. However, nuclear energy generation contributes to a lot of greenhouse gas emissions, a factor that has led many experts to encourage lowering the use of nuclear energy as a way of lowering climate destabilization (Pearce, 2012).
Horvath & Rachlew (2016) also noted that there is a need to address the sustainability of nuclear energy. The authors encouraged to use fast neutron reactors (FNRs) and natural resources are given their ability to multiply energy generation by a factor of 50. While nuclear energy has been touted as the energy for the future, Pearce (2012) noted that there are many externalities associated with it. The author identified externalities that future generations pause and environmental externalities. Nuclear power generation depends on the uranium-rich ore that is mined deep underground and on the surface. The mining, processing, and enrichment of uranium have the potential to leave significant damages to the waterways and the ecosystem. Running nuclear reactors in order to generate the required energy requires much water. Therefore, most nuclear power plants are located near water bodies. A large amount of water is often needed to absorb excess heat and cool down the reactors (Kyne & Bolin, 2016). Pearce (2012) argued that the most serious externality when it comes to the generation of nuclear energy is nuclear insecurity. There is a real and finite danger that is caused by nuclear power plants. The perception of nuclear energy globally is also that it is much associated with danger.
Further issues were noted by Kyne & Bolin (2016) who argued that there are serious location and proximity issues when it comes to the location of nuclear reactors. Governments try to protect their people from exposure to the radioactive plume. Most people living around urban areas run the risk of being exposed to radioactive substances. Those living around nuclear power plants find it difficult to avoid the health risks that might result from exposure to the radioactive effluents that are emitted from the plants (Kyne & Bolin, 2016). There is no level of ration that is considered safe. Therefore, even a little exposure is too risky. The damages incurred can be irreversible, and the victims can suffer premature deaths. For most the areas where the power plants are located, there is a need for emergency preparedness. It is important to ensure that the people around the plants are well protected in case of an emergency. Emergencies within nuclear power plants can require complex evacuations.
Horvath & Rachlew (2016) noted that while nuclear energy can produce much electricity, it also generated much radioactive waste as byproducts. The authors noted that there is a need to have a technically and socially accepted solution in dealing with the byproducts. For now, the radiotoxicity of the spent fuel needs quite a lot of time for it to drop to the level of “natural uranium” (Horvath & Rachlew, 2016). The authors noted that there is a need for a solution that can help to dispose of the waste fuel and several countries have adopted “deep geological storage.” Most of the countries have committed to ensure safety and manage non-proliferation risks following the international rules that they have committe...
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