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Avoiding Challenges: Process Improvement Project Scenario

Essay Instructions:

Case Study:

The new Nursing Director of a busy hospital department has just embarked on a mega Process Improvement Project (PIP) that has been mandated by the Executive Administration. This will require all their direct reports and staff to participate at some point in the process. The Director is being measured on the success of the PIP project and must quickly navigate establishing effective relationships with the manager who will be directly influencing the nursing staff to complete the work.

In less than 300 words, describe how a leader faced with this type of challenge can avoid becoming an “ideal worker”, avoid burnout while getting the results that are required to meet the executive strategic plan. Post in the Discussion Thread for the week.

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Discussion Board
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Discussion Board
Avoiding Challenges for the Leader – Process Improvement Project (PIP) Scenario
In the dynamic scenario of changing environment and implementation of new projects, a leader is required for demonstrating agility in the approaches that could generate desired results. According to Goleman (2000), a leader should prefer using a democratic style primarily for establishing a freedom-of-speech between managers and engaged teams. The democratic style would encourage managers to discuss ideas and improvise the processes subsequently while feeling valuable.
Similarly, the author indicated that significance of coaching style, which emphasizes more on personal development of team members rather staying task-oriented. The coaching style is important for keeping employees inclined towards the continuous improvement while controlling resistance towards changes in work processes. However, it is important for a l...
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