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Assignment: Poetry Explication. “Conscientious Objector”

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you will be writing an explication of a poem we have read in English II Part 2, and the poem must be at least 5 stanzas in length. A poetry explication is an explanation of what you believe the message of the poem is. The goal of an explication is to illuminate the meaning of the poem for other readers. First read the poem several times. Read it aloud. Notice how it looks on the page, the way the words sound when you read them aloud, and anything the words make you think about. You will probably have to look some words up in the dictionary—remember that the definition you know might not be the only definition there is. Answer the following questions using your answers as a rough draft for your paper.

•What does the title contribute to the reader’s understanding?

•Who is speaking?

•What is the situation?

•What is the setting?

•What difficult, special, unusual words does the poem contain?

•What is the mood of the poem?

•What is the meaning of the poem? Look beyond the surface meaning to the actual message the poet is trying to relay.

Below are the poems from the textbook that meet the requirements and can be used for the explication:

•"The Poetic Interpretation of the Twist" (page 634-635)

•"The Empty Dance Shoes" (page 636-637)

•"The Guitar" (page 649)

•"The Fish" (page 650-651)

•"Danny Deever" (page 652-654)

•"Spring & All" (page 665-666)

•"The Bridegroom" (page 642-647)

•"A Tree Telling of Orpheus" (page 659-663)

•"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" (page 679)

•"The Waking" (page 685)

•"The Wind Tapped Like a Tired Man" (page 718-719)

•"Glory" (page 720-721)

•"Conscientious Objector" (page 726)

•"The Weary Blues" (736-737)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Poetry Explication “Conscientious Objector”
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Poetry Explication “Conscientious Objector”
I. Introduction
“Conscientious Objector” is a poem composed by Edna St. Vincent Millay, expressing her strong views on pacifism. It was composed during the Second World War, a period where conscientiousness was deemed morally upright. The poem is composed from the perspective of a conscientious objector and the narrator repeatedly makes her opinion known regarding the expected behavior of society and how she is against it. The narrator is against war and will not be involved in any activity that facilitates death.
II. Discussion
The title of this poem “Conscientious Objector” immediately contributes to the reader’s understanding as it instantly provides a clear indication of the theme, which is anti-war. The “Conscientious Objector” is an individual who strongly opposes war for ethical, religious, or moral reasons (Webb, 1917). Thus, by inference, war itself is being deemed immoral because it facilitates death and militates against life. The poem “Conscientious Objector” then, stands as a declaration against the immorality associated with war and death which follows in its wake. “Conscientious Objector” begins with the recognition of the inevitability of death, death, and life being the opposite sides of the same coin. The acquiescent tone of “I shall die” is preceded by an equally ardent denial “But that is all I shall do for death” (Millay 1). Despite knowing the inevitability of death, she refuses to aid Death in its designs. In the opening line, the personification of Death is critical in intensifying the sense of the struggle. Here, the resistance exhibited is not against death as part of an unavoidable occurrence, but Death as an outcome of humankind’s senseless action in senseless war.
In “Conscientious Objector,” the poet herself is speaking, taking on the character of a conscientious objector and narrating from this perspective. The use of first-person narrative is seen throughout the poem through the extensive use of “I” making it clear that the poem is a monologue (Brennan, 2013). For example, “I will not give him a leg up,” (Millay, 3). Additionally, the extensive use of “I” shows the determination and confidence of the narrator in her beliefs. The situation as conveyed in the poem is the cruelty of death. Death is portrayed as a hunter killing for sport, not for prey. Once again, the image of the hunt reinforces the idea that war is meaningless. The theme of deat...
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