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Personal worldview. What is prime reality? What is a human being?

Essay Instructions:

Write an 800-1,000 word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term "spirituality," and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:

What is prime reality?

What is the nature of the world around you?

What is a human being?

What happens to a person at death?

Why is it possible to know anything at all?

How do people know what is right or wrong?

What is the meaning of human history?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Worldview
Institutional Affiliation
Personal Worldview
Human existence is arguably one of the most puzzling issues affecting the human race. The desire to establish the reason behind one’s existence and their purpose in life has been a core driver of human introspective thought for centuries. This strong drive to establish meaning in life is inevitably connected to human spirituality. The belief in something that is without doubt much bigger than the individual and the possibility that one is a part of something much bigger than themselves forms a core part of human spirituality (DeWitt, 2011). In essence, this belief infers the possible existence of something that is divine by definition and composition that is at the core of human existence. In this way, spirituality is transformed into a human experience that is driven by the need to establish one’s purpose in life as well as one’s connection to the divine.
Taking the aforementioned information into account, it must be clearly noted that spirituality is extremely diverse and tends to embody a pluralistic nature. It is this pluralistic design of spirituality that essentially provides different values and meanings to different individuals from the same core spirituality belief (Streeter, 2012). Pluralism is an ideology that primarily suggests the reality of individuals is constituted of a diverse set of views, substances, and factors (Chopra & Mlodinow, 2012). It posits that this diversity of factors essentially causes individuals to aggregate the values, factors, and beliefs that they are exposed to, and in doing so create their unique worldview. This pluralistic characteristic of humanity and the world around it works to inspire the diverse and unique worldviews that individuals within the same environment can possess.
It is also worth noting that scientism and postmodernism have also played a significant role in influencing the worldviews of individuals in recent centuries. In the simplest terms possible, scientism is a string conviction in scientific techniques and approaches, and their ability to explain, or at least attempt to explain, the phenomena that transcend scientific understanding and methodologies. Closely related to this is postmodernism which is basically grounded on the premise that absolute truth does not exist (DeWitt, 2011). Consequently, postmodernists believe that the truth is subjective and varies from one individual to the other. In essence, scientism and postmodernism have strong linkages to the worldviews that individuals adopt, and particularly so with respect to their spirituality (Streeter, 2012). This confers an abstract definition to spirituality and highlights the notable influences that scientism, postmodernism, and pluralism have on said spirituality.
Prime reality is an important part of the human experience because it is what constitutes the actual reality for individuals. For instance, Islam and Christianity both consider the existence of a Holy and infinite God as defined in the Quran and Bible as the prime reality of their religion, faith and, by extension, the lives of their adherents. In this way, it becomes virtually impossible for individuals with differing worldviews and spiritualties to believe in the same prime reality (Chopra & Mlodinow, 2012). Although the prime realities of such people may closely resemble each other, the subtle differences between them make them incompatible. It is in this way that prime reality hinges on the spirituality and worldview of the individual in question.
The nature of the world around one is also considered to be significantly influenced by the spirituality that the individual in question professes (Street...
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