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International Labor Issues and the Solutions to them

Essay Instructions:

Read 'case 6.6' on pages 400 and 405, and answer all questions in a report format. Provide an introduction and a conclusion, and section heads in the body of the paper.

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Study questions
Institutional Affiliation
The onset of an international market for labor has brought out several aspects of the labor market. On one side, numerous American and European companies enjoy cheap labor by subcontracting the production of their products to countries such as China, Bangladesh, Central and South America. On the other hand, the shipping of production of products for these companies has resulted in the violation of international labor laws by exploiting workers through negligible pay, lack of off days, overworking employees past the legally set weekly hours and employing minors. With all these issues, the case analyzes the labor concerns and attempts to enumerate solutions towards international labor issues.
How the executive’s observation compares with the changes and experiences of companies covered in this case.
The changes and practices of various companies compare to the executive’s observation. The move to subcontract production internationally has led to multiple companies facing accusations of human rights violations and labor law violations. For instance, the companies have been accused of paying employees merger salaries by the National Labor Committee whose 2012 report documented that motor vehicle workers in Central America and factory workers in China earned ninety-nine cents to one dollar and thirty-five cents per hour. The attempts of companies such as Apple to make changes such as paying overtime faced challenges by suppliers failing to pay the employees while poor market forced companies such as Levis Strauss who had withdrawn from China due to a violation of human rights to come back.
Opinion on whether to employ children aged 12 years in factories if it were legal to do so.
In my opinion, I would not provide work for a child aged twelve years despite it being legal as it is tantamount to child lab...
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