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Asian American groups

Essay Instructions:
In this module, you read about Asian American groups and examined the traditions and customs that these groups brought with them to American during their most rapid immigration period in the 1890s. Asian Americans quickly adapted to western civilization and immersed themselves in society to achieve the American Dream. One of the most controversial statements and topics surrounding Asian American success is the concept and theory that they are described as the "best educated" and "highest-income" racial group in the United States. Some theories attribute their success by creating a working coethnic community which Portes and Rumbaut (1990, 2001) define as "ethnic communities composed mostly of professional, entrepreneurial, or working-class labor". These communities are successful as they recognized that although Koreans, Indians, and Filipinos are all from the same racial group, they have different ethnic origins with varying educational outcomes and occupational skills, which in turn creates a functioning community of middle class and upper class with steady streams of income and opportunity for all. Assignment In your research paper: Analyze the cultural characteristics of Asian American groups. Synthesize how these characteristics shape relationships with the larger society. Identify how these characteristics contribute to the perception of Asian Americans as "successful". Format Your paper must be 1200–1600 words Do not forget to include a thesis statement (statement of purpose/intent) and indicate the topics to be covered Use only professional, objective language Use APA style You must have two scholarly articles referenced that provide support for the material that is addressed
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THE CULTURAL TRAITS OF ASIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES AND THEIR PERCEPTIONAL INFLUENCES ON ACHIEVEMENT Student Instructor Institution Course and Code Date The Cultural Traits of Asian American Communities and Their Perceptional Influences on Achievement Introduction Asian Americans represent a diverse and flourishing segment of the United States, encompassing various ethnicities, languages, and cultural customs. Their rapid appearance in the United States, especially during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, brought unique practices and traditions that have greatly influenced their communities and American society. The idea that Asian Americans are the "most educated" and "wealthiest" racial group is a widely debated topic in the discussions about this community. This belief is frequently based on the achievements of different Asian American communities in forming unified coethnic societies, as described by Portes and Rumbaut (2001) and adjusting to America's socio-economic environment. This paper will investigate the cultural traits of Asian American communities, evaluate their influence on their interactions with the broader society, and scrutinize their role in shaping the perception of Asian Americans as "successful." Cultural Characteristics of Asian American Groups Diversity and Historical Context Asian Americans are made up of a variety of ethnic groups, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, and Pakistani communities. Every group possesses its cultural heritage and customs that originated many centuries ago, predating the formation of American society (Bloemraad et al., 2022). An instance is the impact of Confucianism on ancient Chinese culture, emphasizing the significance of familial bonds and being part of a collective, in contrast to the diverse religious and linguistic effects on Indian society. Although these groups have differing traits, they share cultural similarities such as prioritizing family, respecting education, and embracing collectivism. Family and Community Orientation A vital trait observed in Asian American communities is their strong emphasis on family and community. In numerous Asian societies, the family is seen as the fundamental social unit, with a focus on family duties rather than personal goals being common. It is a cultural outlook that encourages loyalty and dedication to the groups forming, hence close groups. This hierarchical family system has various social roles, including social grouping, marital arrangements, conflict-solving, and business associations. Asian Americans expect people to uphold honor and respect while interacting in society. Therefore, saving face is critical. Following a Japanese proverb, individuals are encouraged to value group cohesion over individual recognition to preserve peace (Joseph and Andi, 2022). This characteristic is crucial in how Asian Americans handle their relations with the broader society. Education as a Cultural Value In Asian American communities, education is highly valued and seen as key to achieving social advancement and goals. The focus on academic success stems from cultural beliefs emphasizing education and knowledge as valuable qualities. Several Asian American families motivate their kids to seek further education, seeing it as a way to ensure a secure future and make a positive impact on their communities. Asian American groups demonstrate this cultural value through their...
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