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Artwork Analysis: Guadalupe Maravilla Versus Rudy Shepherd

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are to write a comparative essay focusing on the ideologies that the artists from Lecture 4 build and present within their artworks. You will focus on two artists and their respective ideologies to compare and contrast and, out of this, identify which is the more impactful of the two.

Assignment Guidelines:

Select a pair of artists from the list below whose work you find appealing, provocative, or intriguing with regard to the ideologies that they imbue in their artworks.

Introduce the artist pair that you will be writing about. For EACH artist: identify and define the ideology of the artist and one particular artwork that exemplifies the ideology. It is encouraged that you choose an artwork from the lecture, but you may choose an artwork that is outside of the lecture.

Provide a thesis as to which of the two artists you perceive to be more impactful. Consider how you measure what makes something impactful.

Compare and contrast the two artists and their ideologies using the artworks (that you introduced in #2 of the writing prompt) to help you form your argument/support your thesis. It is your task to not merely describe the two artists you are writing about. You must emphasize the ways the artists’ ideologies are different and alike to ultimately identify which is the more or less impactful of the two.

The final part of your essay should provide your reader with a conclusion that summarizes your thesis and main points of your essay, indicating which artist/ideology is more or less impactful.

Embed images of the works you discussed within your essay. Add appropriate citations to your Works Cited page.

To read more about how to write and structure a comparative essay, please see this link (Link to external website). This is a great guide that outlines an effective way to write a comparative essay.

Available artist pairs for your essay are:

Guadalupe Maravilla + Jim Shaw

Guadalupe Maravilla + Matthew Ronay

Guadalupe Maravilla + Hilma af Klint

Guadalupe Maravilla + Mark Wallinger

Guadalupe Maravilla + Rudy Shepherd

Jim Shaw + Matthew Ronay

Jim Shaw + Hilma af Klint

Jim Shaw + Mark Wallinger

Jim Shaw + Rudy Shepherd

Matthew Ronay + Hilma af Klint

Matthew Ronay + Mark Wallinger

Matthew Ronay + Rudy Shepherd

Hilma af Klint + Mark Wallinger

Hilma af Klint + Rudy Shepherd

Mark Wallinger + Rudy Shepherd

Technical Requirements:

Your response to this assignment must contain between 500 - 700 words to receive top marks with a maximum of 700 words in length (not including bibliography).

Your response must be conceptually polished and fully edited when submitted as a finished product.

Your response must be submitted to its assigned CANVAS assignment box by the due date and time assigned for this assignment.

All research sources used must be fully and accurately documented using the citation standards of the Modern Language Association (MLA). See Writing Guidelines and Student Sample Paper for more information.

Your response must be formatted in a readable typeface (e. g., Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica) and saved as a DOC/DOCX (Microsoft word) file. No other file formats will be accepted for evaluation. Double-spaced, 12 pt. font size, 1-inch margins on all sides, and only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.

Provide a title for all written assignments for modules 1-6 and for the final paper.

When submitting your response to the CANVAS assignment box, please label your file "FIRST NAME LAST NAME ASSIGNMENT #". For example, "Sidney Mullis Assignment 4".

Successful participation in this module exercise will demonstrate the student's ability to:

Identify and analyze this recorded lecture, as well as perform self-directed research to relay an understanding of contemporary art themes, practices, artworks and art terminology.

Identify and analyze this recorded lecture, as well as perform self-directed research to relay an understanding of historical, cultural, social and political events and ideologies that implicate contemporary culture.

Define, apply, and convey his / her understandings of and opinions about contemporary art in discipline-specific written conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Date of Submission
Artwork Analysis: Guadalupe Maravilla Versus Rudy Shepherd
Introduction of Artists
Two of the most prominent artists of today are Guadalupe Maravilla and Rudy Shepherd. This paper compares the works of these great artists and determines their impact on society.
Guadalupe Maravilla came from El Salvador but works in New York, United States. His works primarily portray the marginalized societies or peoples through the use of their culture and expression of their existence because he is a migrant child who suffered threats from the civil war that he could escape in El Salvador CITATION Jacnd \l 13321 (Jack Barrett Gallery).
On the other hand, Rudy Shepherd is an associate professor of art at the Penn State University College of Arts and Architecture. In contrast to Maravilla, Shepherd’s works revolve around human nature and wickedness. He is well-known for his cartoon-like portrayal of events that incorporates historical arts, culture, and traditions.
Impact and Comparison Between Ideologies
Maravilla and Shepherd are entirely different species when it comes to art. Despite the differences, it is evident that one has a more significant impact than the other. Among these two, Maravilla proved to surpass Shepherd’s works because his works are more authentic and bring heartfelt emotions that were long disposed of during the asylum seekers’ illegal immigration.
center139109200Across Maravilla’s work, he always contemplates systemic abuse’s significance to the immigrants, whose only goal is to survive their tragic story. He associated systemic abuse with systemic illness that an individual suffers from after a specific period. An example of this work is the Disease Thrower #5:
9144002686050Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Disease Thrower #5 CITATION Mar \l 13321 (Maravilla)0Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Disease Thrower #5 CITATION Mar \l 1332...
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