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Article Review: Workplace Mistreatment

Essay Instructions:

Journal Article

For this assignment, you will select an article from the Journal of Organizational Behavior. You can find this journal through the Ashworth Library in ProQuest. The link is located in the Course Introduction on the Library page.

You will write a 500-750 word review of the article. Your article needs to discuss or investigate one or more aspects of organizational behavior as it relates to your Final Project topic; it does not need to be comprehensive. The article should be one written within the last decade, unless you have prior approval from your professor.

In your article review, complete the following tasks.

At the top of the page, cite the article’s source using APA style.

Then, answer these four questions, in one paragraph each:

What did you learn?

What surprised you?

What do you want to learn more about?

How might you apply what you learned to your Final Project in this course?

Note: If you cannot find a relevant article in Journal of Organizational Behavior, these other journals are also acceptable. Before selecting an alternative journal, please contact your instructor for approval.

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies

Organizational Psychology Review

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Review: Workplace Mistreatment
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Article Review: Workplace Mistreatment
Hershcovis, M. S., Cortina, L. M., & Robinson, S. L. (2020). Social and situational dynamicssurrounding workplace mistreatment: Context matters. Journal of OrganizationalBehavior, 41(8), 699–705. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2479
The journal shed some light on the importance of understanding the concept of workplace mistreatment from a social and situational context. One of the important lessons to learn is that the manifestation of workplace mistreatment not only takes the abusive, harassing, and unjust nature but rather may manifest in several other ways (Hershcovis et al., 2020). It is also important to note that, although tremendous efforts have been put in place to deter workplace mistreatment, it remains significantly prevalent in today’s society. The other point worth noting is the interpretation of mistreatment that is argued to be based on different contexts. It can sometimes take the nature of the perpetrator-target relationship in that the ones responsible for the perpetrations should also take responsibility in the prevention of cases of mistreatment.
There are numerous proclamations from the articles that may appear shocking and makes one remain in disbelief regarding the overall concept of workplace mistreatment. First of all, my mind has for long been fixated on the idea that workplace mistreatment only arises where there are favorable contextual factors that will allow mistreatment to thrive. Careful investigation of the arguments presented in the article indicates that there are varying contextual factors, and to a surprise, there are also motivating factors that can amount to or evoke mistreatment in a workplace. It has been commonly held that forgiveness to one’s wrongdoing, in this case, mistreatment, is attached to the contexts or the positions of the perpetr...
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