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The Right-wing Terrorist Group Profile and Presidential Policy Directive 8

Essay Instructions:

Research Paper (25%) Terrorist Group Profile and Homeland Security Policy Paper
The Terrorist Group Profile and Policy Paper will not be accepted after the due date.
The term paper consists of two parts:
Part 1 - Select a domestic or international terrorist organization that threatens the U.S. homeland and complete a profile of that organization. Your topic does not have to be approved by the instructor unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor. The group profile should be approximately 50 percent of the final paper and must include a discussion of the group's ideology, targeting, tactics, capability, and overall goals, analysis of attacks, and any statements or propaganda released by the group. Make sure you have enough information on the group to address all these factors and how it affects the US homeland.
A foreign terrorist group for this project must be on the official list of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) maintained by the U.S. Department of State. In the case of domestic terrorist groups, there is no sanctioned list from which to choose, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has made significant arrests from several groups that would fit the description of a domestic terrorist group. The FBI also names many other groups in congressional testimony. Materials presented in the course as well as recent news and congressional testimony, are good sources of information on how to identify domestic groups for this project.
Part 2 - Approximately 50% of the entire research paper. Use the group profile to conduct an analysis of one or more U.S. homeland security policies studied in the course, to assess the ability of the policy or policies to counter the threat posed by the group profiled. This analysis should begin with an introduction and explanation of the policy, followed by an analysis addressing the breadth of the information (from part 1) gathered on that terrorist group. The policy you analyze should be consistent with the group; for example, if you choose a domestic terrorist group, it would be improper to analyze the Secure Border Initiative and its ability to counter a domestic threat, because the members of the group are already within the nation's borders. If you find the policy deficient, make specific recommendations for policy change to counter the threat. If you deem the policy sufficient to counter the threat, explain the rationale for your conclusion.
Your finished project, including both elements of the paper, should be approximately 12 to 14 double-spaced pages (full pages), (not including cover page, charts, graphs, pictures, graphics, or reference pages) but including the abstract, submitted as one document. Make sure you present an introduction and a conclusion tying together both aspects of the paper. The final term paper must be formatted as follows:
Title Page (does not count as part of the page requirement)
Abstract (Heading)
Part 1 (Heading): Identify the Terrorist Group
-Group's Profile (Sub-heading)
-Group's Ideology (Sub-heading)
-Group's Targeting (Sub-heading)
-Group's Tactics (Sub-heading)
-Group's Capabilities (Sub-heading)
-Group's Overall Goals (Sub-heading)
-Group's Analysis of attacks (Sub-heading)
-Group's Released Statements or Propaganda (Sub-heading)
Part 2 (Heading)
-Identify one or more homeland security policies (Sub-heading for the specific policy or policies)
-Assess the ability of the policy or policies to counter the threat posed by the group profiled (Sub-heading could be "Policy Assessment, etc."). In this assessment and/or analysis must include an introduction and explanation of the policy, followed by an analysis addressing the breadth of the information (from part 1) gathered on that terrorist group.
-Recommendations (Sub-heading)
-Conclusion (Sub-heading)
-References (Sub-heading)((does not count as part of the page requirement)
*If your final term paper does not meet the minimum page count (12 pages), your grade will be reduced for not meeting this specific element of the assignment.*

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Terrorist Group Profile and Homeland Security Policy Paper
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Domestic terrorism is a critical threat to normal security since it affects people's interaction and socialization. The Right-wing Terrorist Group is one of the largest domestic terrorist groups heavily impacting Americans today. The group is driven by different factors, such as zeal for distorting Christian theology. It includes millennialism envisioning that Christ will only come after the end of Armageddon wars. Right-wing advocates for specific societal changes that would suppress the white male's power. The group strongly believes that the main source of racism is color supremacy. Therefore, a society with regulated and managed actions from an authoritarian government will embrace economic hardships and other far-right activities. The group has a higher capacity due to its adequate financial resources. It uses different financial resources to mobilize its members towards executing attacks. For instance, the group relies on FinTech technology such as bitcoin to fund its activities and plans. Therefore, the Homeland Security Department must revise its national preparedness policy to thwart the group's plans before they execute them.
Terrorism is a major issue in the United States due to fatalities and mass destruction. Terrorism is divided into two main categories, domestic and international terrorism. The identified types of terrorism are critical since they adversely inhibit peace in the United States. International terrorism comprises dangerous or violent acts that jeopardize the United States' criminal laws. The terrorist acts are critical since the main aim is to intimidate and coerce the citizens towards the government, thus inhibiting peace and unity. Terrorism is also critical since it limits national collaboration and cooperation. Besides, domestic terrorism is the most emerging with unique tactics that homeland security must identify and resolve before causing more harm to American society. Domestic terrorism is also significant due to complex tactics, racial targeting, and ideologies. It is difficult to identify and resolve some organizational problems since they understand the homeland security policies and structures, making it easy to plan and execute their actions successfully. Domestic terrorism is also a critical threat to normal security since it affects normal interaction and socialization. Right-wing extremists are critical domestic terrorist groups that adversely impact the Department of Homeland Security (Michael, 2018). The paper examines the profile of Right-wing extremist terrorist groups and uses them to analyze the national preparedness system.
Part 1: Right-Wing Terrorist Group
Group's Profile
The Right-wing Terrorist Group is one of the largest groups heavily impacting Americans today. The group is driven by different factors, such as zeal for distorting Christian theology (Anti-Defamation League, 2017). It includes millennialism envisioning that Christ will only come after the end of Armageddon wars. The perpetrators embrace mass destruction and weapons at the deepest level, leading to massive deaths and suicidal instances. The aim is to alter the relationship between mankind and God by streamlining their beliefs to other antisocial aspects. The Right-wing extremist comprises different branches such as neo-Nazi, patriots, and white supremacists. The group is critical to homeland security since they have different agendas, such as anti-government operations. Right-wing terrorism has created a 25 year dark age in the United States, thus causing a huge threat to the citizens. Therefore, their management requires a well-established national strategic plan to focus on their ideologies and targets.
Additionally, Right-wing Terrorist Groups are well informed about effective propagandists, decentralized networks, and policy initiatives. They use such information to execute their agendas and jeopardize peace in society. Some of the group's approaches are nuclear materials, toxins, and conventional explosives. The group also considers crude biological weapons in successfully executing the mass destruction approach. Historically, the Right-wing Terrorist Group majorly emerged from 1954 after the penetration of the Ku Klux Klan to a terrorist campaign bombing the Streep Baptist Church in the United States (Nemeth & Hansen, 2021). The group largely grew in the 1980s, executing their actions throughout the country. For instance, in 1980, approximately seventy-five Right-wing terrorists got prosecuted in the United States following six planned attacks. Besides, the group also has a well-established chain of command which controls and monitors the members providing specific instructions and guidelines. The established chain of command is responsible for successful attacks from the group.
Group's Ideology
The Right-wing Terrorist Group is guided by a specific ideology that they execute the threat attacks to accomplish. The ideology of the group is fascism (Anti-Defamation League, 2017). It aims at overthrowing the government and replacing them with the fascist regime. Fascism is a dictatorial system characterized by authoritarian power and limits Christian values and practices. It also involves forced oppression and regimentation of the economy and society. The ideology is critical since it affects the normal government and societal oppression. The group strongly believes that their actions will result in specific motions to create an authoritarian government system in the United States. Therefore, the group advocate for a country with specific authoritarian guidelines for all the citizens.
Ideology plays a significant role in determining the specific targets for attacks, and it also determines the population to be favored during the attacks. Ideology allows the Right-wing Terrorist Group to create a reliable prism for controlling people's actions and beliefs through mass destruction and suicidal missions. The ideologically-moral-based framework plays a significant role in establishing legitimate targets that would indirectly communicate the group's objective. For instance, whenever the group targets the churches, they promote anti-Christ's message. Therefore, the Right-wing Terrorist Group relies on different ideologies to meet the group's target.
Group's Targeting
The Right-wing Terrorist Group has decided to target specific populations in the United States. Its ideology of fascism drives the group's target. The group's main target is the government; the group looks forward to changing the government structure by enforcing fascism. Therefore, it focuses on top government officials with authority and power to write policies. They advocate for policies that can promote dictatorship and authoritarian rule. The move is critical since it will determine the country's ability to embrace authoritarian rule and power. Therefore, its target is the policy writers.
The second target of the group in society. Right-wing advocates for specific societal changes that would suppress the white male's power. The group strongly believes that the main source of racism is white supremacy. Therefore, a society with regulated and managed actions from an authoritarian government will embrace economic hardships and other far-right activities. The group also targets the society to communicate their economic grievances to the United States government. It advocates restructuring the economic system to advocate for all societal needs (Anti-Defamation League, 2017). The last target of a Right-wing Terrorist Group in the church. The group does not advocate for Christianity, and it advocates for a systematic world without Christian ties. Therefore, most actions the group advocates for aligning with society, church, economy, and government.
Group's Tactics
Right-wing Terrorist Groups succeed in their operations using different techniques and tactics. In terrorism, tactics are specific strategies that the terrorist groups utilize to execute their plans. The tactics may either be fatal or ideological. Right-wing uses different tactics, making it difficult for homeland security to thwart their plans. The major tactic that the group utilizes is propaganda (Anti-Defamation League, 2017). Right-wing uses propagandists to communicate and threatens the targeted groups. The tactic is detrimental imposes fear in society. Therefore, it successfully achieves its mission through the tactic.
Additionally, the Right-wing Terrorist Group uses political bodies to communicate their plan. The group works together with political figures who advocate for fascism to embrace their ideologies and actions. The group targets the government. Therefore, it creates a reliable framework that sustains specific politicians who favor them to express their ideologies on their behalf. In most cases, they use their intelligence to identify politicians who favor their ideologies and finance them in the government. Lastly, the group also advocates for mass destruction using different techniques such as toxins and explosives. The tactic is the most detrimental since it causes many fatal incidents. Therefore, the major key factor that determines the group's success is well-established and planned tactics.
Group's Capabilities
The group has a higher capacity due to its adequate financial resources. It uses different financial resources to mobilize its members towards executing attacks. For instance, the group relies on FinTech technology such as bitcoin to fund its activities and plans (Nemeth & Hansen, 2021). Bitcoin technology is one of the recent technologies that many are not easily traceable, allowing terrorists to engage in ill-oriented activities. It also allows them to mobilize the society against the government ideologies and establish their own. It is important to identify the key measures that should be considered to limit such funds from reaching the terrorists. The terrorist group can also initiate propaganda that allows them to successfully engage the targeted population to buy their ideologies. Importantly, their ability to initiate fascist propaganda allows them to embrace societal changes among the targeted population. Therefore, the group has a higher capability and capacity of initiating threat attacks.
Group's Overall Goals
Right-wing terrorists have different goals that they consider for the successful transformation of the United States government and society. The main goal is promoting a dictatorship type of government with different fascist ideologies (Anti-Defamation League, 2017). The goal is meant to change the United States' governmental structure and revise specific policies which would promote authoritarian government. Another group's goal is to eliminate Christianity and establish a free world with minimal restrictions. The group strongly believes Christ will also come after the war is co...
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