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The Factors that Influence Employee Motivation and The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Essay Instructions:

Part A
1. Describe three (3) factors that influence employee motivation and provide one (1) original example of each.
2. Describe three (3) motivation theories and provide one (1) original example that illustrates each.
Part B
Julie will be adopting a child in December and needs to take 10 weeks off to complete the process and bond with the baby. Julie works full time and has worked for her current employer (which has over 75 employees at its one location) for four years.
Steven is having knee surgery next week and will be off for six weeks. He is full time and has worked for his employer, which has almost 30 employees, for 7 months.
1. Provide a brief explanation of the FMLA law.
2. Which of these individuals is eligible for Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position.

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Assignment 8
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Assignment 8
Part AQuestion One
Reward and Recognition
While acknowledgment or recognition is adequate in certain circumstances, workers lose motivation when there is no reward for additional effort. Employees may be rewarded in several ways varying in cost and effect. For example, employees who have a good performance at work can be recognized then rewarded vacations, coupons, or basic things such as extra off-days. Reward and recognition of workers encourage and inspire exemplary performance beyond their assigned responsibilities and foster good behavior (Chadwick, 2019).
Career Development or Advancements
Career development or advancement is critical for employee motivation. Chadwick (2019) argues that twenty percent of workers favor career development opportunities such as promotions and professional training over financial compensation. These career development opportunities empower individuals and enable them to participate more effectively and increase their contribution and productivity in an organization. When a business invests in its staff, it fosters employee loyalty, retention, and motivation. According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, when managers display a genuine interest in the growth of employees, it communicates to the employee a sense of belief from and advancement goodwill from the organization (Hamori et al., 2012). Employee development motivates workers to work harder to avoid disappointing the firm that continually invests in them. For example, a junior employee who continuously performs well could be considered for a promotion when the next opening arises.
Work-life balance
Workers who maintain a healthy work-life balance reap many benefits. The chances of motivated employees taking sick days are lower; they are less likely to quit the company and are more willing to have longer working hours than less motivated workers who are prone to burnout. Loss of motivation can occur if a proper work-life balance is not maintained. While motivated individuals will go the extra mile for the organization out of a desire to perform their best, they may lose their enthusiasm for their work when tiredness sets in. Chadwick (2019) argues that an organization must ensure reasonable working hours for its workers and that work integrates activities promoting health and wellness into their schedules (Chadwick, 2019). For example, a way of promoting good work-life balance in a packaging company is by working in shifts of a few hours, after which employees can go home, rest, and spend time with their families.
Question Two
Maslow’s Theory on Needs Hierarchy
Typically, an individual’s behavior at any given time is governed by his most pressing need. Psychologists assert that after an individual’s fundamental needs are met, he or she attempts to meet higher-level demands. If a person’s fundamental requirements are not addressed, attempts to meet higher-level wants should be postponed. The core of this idea is that an individual’s motivation is governed by a predetermined five-level hierarchy of wants that is masterfully organized from basic to the most complex. These needs are classified into two broad categories: deficiency and growth. Deficiency needs from the bottom level are physiological to safety to love and belonging then to esteem needs. In contrast, growth needs include self-actualization needs which stand at the top of the hierarchy. Maslow initially argued that an individual needs to satisfy one need entirely before proceeding to the next one. However, a more contemporary view of the theory is that these levels are interconnected. The contemporary view argues that as individuals advance to higher hierarchy levels, they shift their motivation focus more on these levels’ needs. However, even though they primarily concentrate on these higher levels, they continue targeting lower hierarchy levels with reduced zeal.



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